When the device has become thoroughly
saturated with the insulating material, is
allowed cool off usualty until the material
40 begins solidify. this treatment the presence air
45 vacuous spaces the dielectric, which are
otherwise liable form the contraction
of the insulating material when cooling, is
I>revented. After partial vacuum
lias been secured the tank and the lique
fied insulating material has been run into the 100
vessel the pump may stopped and the
tank connected with receiver II, from which
the air has been exhausted, and the appara
tus allowed stand until all the interstices
. Within this tank steanncoil
C, surrounding vessel preferably with
slightly-sloping- sides and provided with a
tube pipe opening into near its base.
I11order facilitate the carrying out the
process, have devised simple and useful
apparatus, which illustrated partly sec
tion the accompanying drawing.
oyeinber5,1896, SerialU
o, 611,126. may stated,
however, that when hydraulic pressure ap
plied very much higher pressures are readily 60
secured and are advantage.)
To all whom may concern:
Be known that Nikola Tesla, citi
zen ofthe United.
20 has heretofore been shown that the
efficiency and practicability such devices
are very greatly enhanced the exclusion
of air gas from the dielectric separating
the conductors remote portions the same
25 conductor; and the object present im
provement secure such exclusion air
in perfect manner possible con
venient and practicable way. the 65
parts said apparatus are all well-known
construction, the apparatus whole will
be fully understood without full descrip
tion its details. 577,671, dated February S3, 1897.
vices are included many forms condensers,
transformers, self-induction coils, rheostats,
and the like.
Myinvention improvement the man-
ufacture electrical condensers, coils, and
other devices, similar character which
conductors designed form paths for cur-,
15 rents high potential are brought into close
proximity with each other. Air then admitted un
der pressure the receptacle containing the
device and the pressure maintained until the
whole mass insulating material has solidi
A tank receptacle that may closed 70
The condenser other device treated 75
is placed the vessel and around the re
ceptacle packed suitable insulating ma
terial quantity sufficient whén liquefied by
heat flow through the pipe into the ves
sel and fill the space the latter the 80
top the condenser other device placed
When the apparatus has been thus pre- 90
pared, the air from the interior the tank A
is withdrawn completely practicable by
an air-pump and steam ispassed through the
coil order prevent access any of
the volatile constituents the insulating ma- 95
terial the pump, condenser with cool
ing-coil interposed the piping between
the tank and pump.
SPECIFICATION forming art Letters atent No.
Any plan may followed orapparatus used
50 for securing the two conditions necessaiy to
the attainment the desired l’esult; that is
to say, applying the fluid insulating material
in vacuum and subsequently subjecting to
or solidifying under pressure. States,residing New York,
in the county and State New York, have
5 invented certain new and useful Improve
ments the Manufactui'e Electrical Con
densers, Coils, and Similar Devices, which
the following specification, reference be
ing had the drawing which accompanies
io and forms part the same. this end I
place the condenser other device be
30 treated receptacle from which the air
maybe more less perfectly exhausted, and
while vacuum introduce insulating
substance, which liquefies when subjected to
heat, such paraffin, which surrounds the
35 said device and finds its way into its inter
stices. (N
It desirable run into the pipe enough
melted material fill before using the ap
paratus and make the pipe poor heat- 85
conducting material, that little time will
elapse after the heat applied melt the
material the tank Abefore the flowthrough
the pipe begins. The degree
of exhaustion pressure may vary, very 55
good results being secured vacuum of
about twenty-nine inches and pressure of
about one hundred pounds