The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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armature-core constructed the manner described may be revolved between the poles the field-mag­ nets without showing the slightest increase of temperature... Witnesses: Geo. Commutator■'bars. .. 2.. Suppose, for instance, that there are twenty-four coils—that is,twelvein each part— 55 and consequently twenty-four commutator- plates.. dynamo-electric machine, arma­ ture having separate coils superimposed and connected the commutator-plates alter­ nating groups, substantially set forth... What claim is— 1.... The commutator-plates are shown out­ side the bearing the armature-shaft..... I not claim herein the cores the field- magnets converging toward the pole-pieces; nor claim the method fastening the base the lower field-magnet, this has been claimed former application dynamo- electric machines. Each of these two parts composed three separated groups coils...... Second.. dynamo-electric machine, the mag­ netic frame composed the cores the curved pole-pieces and the connecting- frame with the curved and outwardly-pro­ jecting legs substantially described...21— 1 In constructing the armature-core and wind­ ing and connecting the coils the manner in­ dicated, the passive electrically-inactive wire reduced minimum, and the coils at each side the plates that are contact with the brushes are practically equal, and in this way the electrical efficiency the ma­ chine increased...... dynamo-electric machine, the arma­ ture-core having iron disks various diame­ ters, combination with inwardly -curved end disks, for the purposes and substantially as set forth. To further equalize the armature-coils at both sides the plates that are contact with the brushes, the winding and connecting up effected the following manner: The 35 whole wire wound upon the armature-core in two superimposed parts, which are thor­ oughly insulated from each other. 5 Second..... .. The shaft ITis tubular and split the end portion, and the wires are carried through the same in auy usual manner and connected the re­ spective commutator-plates. 9 Third.359,743 to 15 20 ful insulation being unnecessary, elec­ trical contact between several disks can only occur places where the generated currents are comparatively weak. D. 188G ... Pinckney, W lla ll. Signed this 12th day January, A. dynamo-electric machine, the arma­ ture constructed iron disks various di­ ameters arranged upon the shaft such a manner that series iron bodies formed, each diminishing thickness from the cen­ ter the periphery, substantially and for the purposes set forth.. ... ........ mypresent invention the wire wound upon the arma­ ture two superimposed parts, and the curve of the end disks, calculated that the first part—thatis,practically half ofthe wire— just fills the hollow space the line x; or, the wire wound any other manner, the curve such that when the whole the wire wound the outside mass wires,w,and the inside mass wires, w', are equal each side the plane this case will be 25 seen the passive electrically-inactive wires are the smallest length practicable. 4......5 commutator-bars, are connected the direetly- opposite bars the commutator.. 5.... The end disks, which are sufficient thickness and, for the sake cheapness, pref­ erably cast-iron, are curved inwardly, as indicated the drawings, The extent the curve dependent the amount wire to be wound upon the armatures. The wires are then thoroughly insulated and the second part of wire wound and connected the same man­ ner.. C .... dynamo electric machine, arma­ ture-core having inwardly -curved ends, in combination with the armature-coils, the cross­ ing wires which coils pass into the concave heads and project equally, substantially set forth. The first group coils the 40 first part wire being wound and connected to the commutator-bars the usual manner, this group insulated and the second group wound; but the coils this second group in­ stead being connected the next following 5 . 2..... The arrangement has further the advantage that the total lengths the crossing wires the two sides the plane are practically 30 equal. The second group then insulated and the third group wound, the coils this group being connected to those bars which they would con- 50 nected the usual way. NIKOLA TESLA. . 60 First part wire 6S Second part wire First.17—21 Third... There will ineachpart three groups, each containing four coils, and the coils will be connected follows: Groups... 9—13 F irst. The commuta­ tor-plates are upon cylinder, and insu­ lated, and this cylinder properly placed and secured expanding the split end the shaft tapering screw-ifiug, v. armature for dynamo-electric ma­ chines, having core composed disks va­ rious diameters, combination with separate superimposed coils connected the commu­ tator-plates alternate groups, substantially as set forth.