The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet Sborník  |

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Poznámky redaktora
. 5 What claim is— 1. 25 3.568,178 8 source whicli will effect the same results the regulation the system may effected by the method herein described, and this my claims are intended include. NIKOLA TESLA. 2. The method regulating the energy de­ livered system for the production high- frequency currents comprising supply-cir- zo cuit direct currents, condenser adapted to charged the supply-circuit and to discharge through another circuit, the said method consisting varying the frequency of the impulses current from the supply- circuit, set forth. Lawson Dyer, D rury Cooper. The method regulating the energy de- liveredby system for the production high- frequency currents and comprising supply- circuit, condenser, circuit through which io the same discharges and means for control­ ling the charging the condenser the sup­ ply-circuit and the discharging the same, the said method consisting varying the re­ lations the frequencies the impulses in 15 the circuits compi’ising the system, set forth. The method producing and regulating electric currents high frequency which con­ sists directing impulses from supply-cir­ cuit into charging-circuit high self-in­ duction, charging condenser the accu- 30 mulated energy such charging-circuit, dis­ charging the condenser through circuit of low self-induction, raising the potential of the condenser discharge and varying the re­ lations the frequencies the electrical 35 impulses the said circuits, herein set forth. Witnesses: M