The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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device for producingozonecomprising in combination, surfaces between which an electricaldischarge takes place, transformer for producing the potential necessary forsuch discharge, condenser the primary circuit 60 of the transformer, charging-circuit, means for charging the condenser such circuit and discharging through the primary of the transformer, motor operated the charging-circuit, and device operated there- 65 by for maintaining current air between the discharge-surfaces, set forth. The poten­ tial the high-frequency discharge-current 5 raised secondary coil inductive relation the primary The conductors of such secondary circuit are. The combination with circuit direet currents,of controllerfor making and break- 30 ing the same, motor included orconnected with said circuit increase its-self-in­ duction, and driving the said controller, a condenser circuit around the controller, and transformer through the primary of 35 which the condenser discharges, asset forth. 6. The combination with circuit direct currents,of controller formakingand break­ ing the same, series-wound motor having its coils included said circuit and driving 40 the said controller, condenser connected with the circuit around thepoint interrup­ tion therein, and transformer, the primary of which the discharge-circuit the condenser, set forth. This apparatus may constructed and combined very compact form and small compass. What claim invention is— 1. device for producing ozone comprising 80 in combination, means for charging con­ denser, circuit low self-induction and re­ sistance into which the condenser discharges, a coil for raising the potential such dis­ charge, and means for passing current 85 air through the high-potential discharge, as set forth. In order secure this result, inclose the said plates casing any proper description, through which current air is maintained fan mounted the 2o shaft the motor. NIKOLA TESLA! Witnesses: Drury Cooper, M. . Lawson yer.connected to two insulated conducting-plates and when the apparatus operation dis- io charge the form streams will main­ tained between such plates, indicated by the wavylines the figures. 5. 45 device for producing ozone comprising in combination, surfaces between which an electricaldischarge takes place, transformer forproducing the potential necessaiyforsuch discharge, condenser the primary circuit of the transformer, charging-circuit, means 50 for charging the condenser such circuit and discharging through the primary of the transformer, and device for maintain­ ing current air between the discharge- surfaces, set forth. Its operation involves but small expenditure energy, while requires prac- 25 tieally care attention for the continued production ozone unlimited amount. 55 4. device for producing ozone comprising in combination, surfaces between which an electrical discharge takes place, atransformer 70 for producing the potentialnecessary for sueh discharge, condenser the primary Circuit of the transformer, charging-circuit, cir­ cuit-controller effecting the charging and dis­ charging the condenser, and fan-motor 75 connected with the charging-circuit and op­ erating the circuit-controller and adapted to maintain current air between the dis­ charge-surfaces, set forth.668,177 denser itself, may given practically any desired value the frequency the discharge- current may ádjusted will. 2. air forced between the plates during this discharge, the effectiveness the apparatus increased 15 and ozone generated large quantities