For, assuming
6o the operation the motor due the
action above set forth, the first effect a
current-impulse this motor will mag
netize the pole-pieces but the current
thereby induced coils magnetizes the
65 pole-pieces and the current induced turn
in coils magnetizes the pole-piecesM. The application of
this principle not limited the special
forms motor herein shown, any the
double-circuit alternating-current motors in
vented and described former Letters 75
Patent may adapted the same
purpose. no
3. pole-pieces are not magnetized, least to
their full extent, simultaneously this
means; but there enough retardation
or delay produce rotary effect influ- 70
ence upon the armature. annular field-
magnet having three pairs oppositely-lo
cated sets polar projections Upon
one pair these projections, the main
45 energizing-coils are wound.
In tlie drawings annexed have shown, in
Figure alternating-current generator
5 connected with motor shown diagrammati-
callyand constructed accordance with my
invention, and Fig. The
D are two main coils wound opposite
sides the ring annular field and con-
15 nected with the line and having tend
ency magnify the ring Cwith opposite poles
midway between the two coils. The combination electromagnetic 105
motor, with alternating coil conductor
and closed-circuit conductor inductive
relation thereto, armature mounted so
as within the field produced the coil
and closed conductor, set forth.
C the annulariield-mag. fur
ther, thereby obtaining stronger and better
40 rotary effect.
F are the secondary coils, which are as
sociated with the main coils They are
in circuits which include tlie coils re-
25 spectively, tlie connections being made in'
such order that currents induced coils F
and circulating coils will act opposi
tion those coils far only the lo
cation the magnetic poles the ring is
30 concerned.
I believe that the first produce any 85
kind motor adapted operated by
alternating currents and characterized any
arrangement independent circuits brought
into inductive relation produce ro
tary effort effect due the conjoint action 90
of alternating currents from source sup
ply one the motor-circuits and alternat
ing currents induced the first-named cur
rents the other circuit, and this without
reference the specific character arrange- 95
ment the said two circuits the motor. object
in constructing the motor this way to
effect more perfectly the shifting the points
of maximum magnetic effect.a shifting 115
movement the points maximum mag
netic effect the motor, set forth. diagram modi
fied form the motor.
maybe termed rotary effort,”and operates
to maintain tlie armature rotation.
The cylindrical disk armature core FTin
55 this motor lias polar projections wound with
coils forming closed circuits.
E are two other magnetizing-coils wound
midway between the-coils but having a
20 stronger magnetizing influence for current
of given strength than coils D.
This invention, moreover, not limited to
the specific means herein shown for inducing
in one energizing-circuit the motor the cur- 80
rents necessary for co-operating with the pri
mary current the generator for producing
the progressive shifting the poles points
of maximum magnetic effect.
A designates any ordinary form alter-
io nating-current generator, and the line-
wires for connecting the same with the motor.
5. The combination electromagnetic
motor series independent energizing-
coils sets coils and induced coils wound 120
on all the energizing-coils sets coils but
the last the series, the first energizing-coil
or set coils being included circuit with
a generator and each succeeding energižing-
coil set coils being circuit with the in- 125
duced coils the next preceding energizing-
coils the series.
W hat therefore claim invention is—
1. system for the electrical transmis
sion power the combination alternat
ing-current, generator, motor with ener- 130
gizing coil coils connected with the gen
erator, secondary coils inductive relation
to said energizing-coils, and energizing-coils
in circuit therewith arranged substantially
The armature may any the forms
used alternating-current system,
■ and shown wound with two closed coils
Ct right angles each other.
Referring Fig. electromagnetic motor, the combi
nation ofindependent energizing-circuits, one
adapted connected with source al- 100
ternating current, the other arranged in
ductive relation the said first circuit where
by the motor will operated the result
ant action the two circuits, set forth. Overthese aro
wound the secondary coils O
11 the next
polar projections aro wound the second
energizing-coils which are circuit with
coils Tertiary-induced coils are then
50 wound over the coils and the remaining
polar projections the third energizing-coils
F' are wound and connected the circuit
of the tertiary coils E'.
35 order prolong the magnetizing effect
of the induced currents producing shift
ing the poles, have carried the principle
of the construction exhibited Fig. The combination electromagnetic
motor, with energizing -coils adapted be
connected with the generator induced coils
and independent energizing-coils circuit
therewith and arranged produce