disposition the generator coils circuits
25 such that the currents developed therein
and transmitted therefrom the motor will
have certain difference phase—for ex
ample, that the maximum periods the
currents generated one such circuits co-
30 incide with the minimum periods., ASSIGNOR THE TESLA ELECTRIC
The last pair coils make finer wire 80
than the main line and secondary coils, and
with greater number convolutions, that
they may have greater relative magnetizing
effect than either the others.
My present invention pertains this sys-
40 tern electrical . 381,968 and 382,280, May 1,
1888—I have shown and described system
for the electrical transmission pow'er char
acterized the following particulars: The
15 motor contains independent energizing-cir
cuits and the generator has corresponding in
duced current-generating circuits which
are connected independent line-circuits
with those the motor, the said circuits be-
20 ing independent the sense only that the
distinctive relations the currents produced,
transmitted and utilized each are preserved
to produce their proper conjoint effect.
SPECIFICATION form ing part Letters atent No. 273,993.nited States Patent Office. Over these coils, or
close them, any the well-understood
ways, wind secondary coils.nular field-magnet wind two coils insu
lated wire size adapted carry the cur
rent from the generator. (N
odel. the cur
rents produced the other circuit, and the
corresponding energizing-circuits the mo
tor are arranged that the two currents co
operate effect progressive shifting the
35 magnetic poles the points maximum
magnetic effect the motor, consequence
of which rotation its movable element is
When the two currents are both produced
in the magneto-electric machine, will ob- 55
served that the two line transmitting cir
cuits will necessity extend the entire dis
tance from the generator the motor; but
by the plan herein provided one line-circuit
only required, the circuit from the gen- 60
erator and the other are brought into induct
ive relation each other the motor itself.
ApplicationfiledMay15, 1888.
By connecting the main coils circuit 85
with generator alternating currents, the
armature the motor will rotated. have
assumed that this action explained the
following theory: current-impulse the
line passingthroughthe main coils establishes 90
the magnetic poles the annular field-mag
net points midway between said coils; but
this impulse produces the secondary coils
a current differing phase from the first,
which, circulating through the second pair 95
energizing-coils, tends establish the pole at
points ninety degrees removedfrom their first
position, with the result producing move
ment shifting the poles obedience to
the combined magnetizing effect the two 100
sets coils. 555,190, dated February . also wind 75
the annular . SerialN
The following illustrative means by
which secure this result accordance with
my present invention: employ motor, 65
for example, subdivided annular field-mag
net within which mounted suitable arma
ture, cylinder disk, wound with two
coils right angles, each which forms a
closed circuit.transmission power, its
novel and distinguishing feature, however,
being special means for generating pro
ducing the two motor-circuits the alter
nating- current necessary for the operation of
45 the motor, for while the instances referred
to produce both currents directly mag
neto-electric machine the present instance
I generate produce but one the cir
cuits the motor direetly alternating cur-
50 rent, and means such current induce
in the other energizing-motor circuit the other
alternating current necessary for its opera-
To all whom concern:
Be known that ikola Tesla, citi
zen the United States, residing New
York, the county and State New York,
5 have invented certain new and useful Im
provements Electromagnetic Motors, of
which the following specification, refer
ence being had the drawings accompany
ing and forming part the same,
io former patents granted me—notably,
Patents Nos. This shifting, continued each
: successive current-impulse, establishes what
.field-magnet midway between
the first-mentioned coils pair coils which
I connect circuit with the secondary
coils. opposite sides the an- 70