The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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Poznámky redaktora
In operation, the line conductor con­ nected with source current very high potential and great frequency. Witnesses: Ernest IIopkinson, Parker Page. I not claim this application the par- 35 ticnlar line conductor described, nor the broad idea inducing from stationary con­ ductor the current operate the motor a traveling car other vehicle, but What claim is— 1. 1. electrical railway system, the com­ bination with slotted conduit insulated 60 conductor supported therein, insulated sheath screen surrounding the conductor, a motor car adapted run tracks parallel with the conduit, conducting plate bar carried arm depending from the car 65 into the conduit, and electrical connection between the plate and the motor,as set forth. 3.514,972 s? tube and all parts the said plate except the surface exposed the conductor its metallic sheath, are insulated and protected by metallic screen obvious that all portions the arm well the plate itself may insulated water-proof cover­ ing, and will understood that the prin­ cipal object the invention would still be attained even though the plate were actual contact with the screen while the car in 'motion. This current 1,5 may conveyed any desired distance without material loss, the insulated metal­ lic covering sheath around the conductor serves static screen prevent the dissi­ pation the energy.0 by electric currents high potential and fre­ quency, the combination insulated and electrically screened supply conductor ex­ tending along the line travel, motor car or cars carrying conducting plate bar 45 inductive relation the screened conductor and electrical connection between the said plate and the motor, set forth. . The presence, however, o plate any car close the sheath or screen disturbs the electrical equilibrium and sets condenser action transfer en­ ergy from the screen the plate sufficient to operate the motor the car. 25 the above, have described the screen, whether continuous subdivided, wholly insulatedfrom thegroundor surrounding con­ ducting bodies, but the single continuous screen each section the same, may be 30 connected the ground through condenser of relatively very small capacity, through a device high self-induction resistance, as shown dotted lines Fig. NIKOLA TESLA. electric railroad system operated 4 . electric railroad system operated by electric currents high potential and fre- 50 quency, the combination supply conduc­ tor running along the line travel, con- ductingsheath orscreen dividedinto insulated sections and surrounding the said conductor, a motor car supporting conducting bodyin 55 proximity the supply conductor and an electrical connection between said body and the motor set forth. 2