flange formed applied along the slot,
forming protected chamber compartment
for containing theline conductor.
For the line conductor employ suitable
wire surrounded insulated coating
D, which inclosed metallic sheathing 75
ApplicationfiledJanuary 2,1892, SerialH
The car represented carrying motor
H, which may any suitable construction
and capable being operated currents of
the kind employed. 410,774, (N
SPECIFICATION form ing etters atent No.
Figure view showing portion a
car and the means for supplying the motor of
50 the same with current from line conductor
supported within conduitbetween the rails. Thischam-
ber should sueh form cross-section
that its walls will symmetrically disposed
withrespeetto the conductorrunning through
it, and thus reduce minimum any dis
turbing inductive effects which would pro
duced unsymmetrical disposition the 70
walls with respect the conducting screen or
covering around the conductor.
I use system alternating pulsating
currents very high potential, and, rea
son mainly the higher economy, high fre
quency. Fig. ,
I propose employ iron conduit A,
which buried preferably between the rails
of the track and provided with longitudinal 60
slot along its top close one edge side. This bar plate elec
trically connected with the motor coils an
insulated wire that passes through the
To prevent the dissipation the electric
25 energy that would otherwise occur cir
cuit conveying- currents the character
which use, insulate the line conductor and
surround with conducting coating that
serves screen, and prefer, mainly with
30 the object localizing the action that would
result from the establishment electrical
connection between the screen and the ground
or other conducting body, divide the
outer conductor into insulated sections of
35 comparatively short length. The lower end this tube is
bent the form hook and supports
within the conductor chamber bar plate 100
J that presents the line conductor con
ducting surface.
The advantage dividing the screen in
this manner that the loss due currents
induced the outer conductor reduced, 85
while the same time the grounding any
one section would result very small loss
compared with what would take place from a
continuous sheath; moreover, overlapping
the ends the sections but little opportunity 90
is afforded for the dissipation energy. For the latter prefer use iron pipes
provided with perforated lugs means
of which the conductor suspended in
sulated rods other devices also divide
up the conducting screen sheathing into Bo
sections insulated from one another, but over
lapping leave breaks the screen. the car, to
each number running given track,
equipped accordance with invention, I
attach arm carrying conducting plate
or bar that electrically connected with the
40 motor coils and which the movement of
the car carried proximity the line con
ductor, take off, condenser action,
sufficient energy run the car motor. Connected with the mo
tor car iron conducting tube that
extends down into the conduits through the
slot therein. enlarged sectional view the
arm carrying the conductor through which
the electric energy transmitted from the
line conductor the motor./
United States Patent Office. The conductor which conveys these
20 currents run from the stationary source of
supply along the line travel and preferably
through conduit constructed between, or
alongside the tracks rails.
N Y.)
To all whom concern:
Be known thatl, Nikola Tesla, citizen
of the United States, residing New York, in
the county and State New York, have in-
S vented certain new and useful Improvements
in Electric-Railway Systems,of which the fol
lowing specification, reference being had
to the drawings accompanying and forming
a part the same,
io This invention improved system or
plan supplying electric current the mo
tors street other cars vehicles from a
central stationary source Supply, with
out the use sliding rolling contacts be-
x5 tween the line conductor and the car motors.
The details the invention, and the best
45 manner aware which may
be carried out, shall explain reference
to the accompanying drawings. 514,972, dated February 20,1894. en
larged view partly section the line con