Having now described invention, what
I claim is— "
3. The pressure the air confined in
30 the cylinder when the plunger its
central position will always practically
that the surrounding atmosphere, for while
the cylinder constructed not per
mit such sudden escape air sensibly
35 impair modify the action the air spring
there will still slow leakage air into or
out around the piston rod according to
the pressure therein, that the pressure of
the air opposite sides the plunger will
4c always tend remain that the outside
5. These may
constitute the train clock any other
2. The period mainly
determined the rigidity the air spring
and the inertia the moving system, and I
io may therefore-secure any period oscilla
tion within very wide limits properly por
tioning these factors, varying the di
mensions the air chamber which equiva
lent varying the rigidity the spring, or
15 adj usting the weight the moving parts.
As instance the uses which this en
gine may applied have shown its piston
rod connected with pawl the oscillation
45 which drives train wheels. 95
4. The combination cylinder and pis- 85
ton adapted reciprocated steam or
gas under pressure, cylinder and plunger
therein reciprocated the piston and consti
tuting air spring acting upon said piston,
the piston and spring being related the 90
manner described that the forces which
tend bring the piston into given position
are proportionate the displacement where
by isochronous oscillation the piston is
obtained. reciprocating engine comprising 75
combination, cylinder, piston impelled by
steam gas under pressure, and air spring
maintained vibration the movements of
the piston, the piston and spring being related
in substantially the manner described that 80
the forces which tend bring the recipro
cating parts into given position are pro
portionate the displacements whereby an
isochronous vibration obtained.
These conditions are all readily determina
ble, and engine constructed herein de
scribed may 'made follow the principle
of operation above stated and maintain a
20 perfectly uniform period through very much
wider limits pressure than ordinary use,
it ever likely subjected and may
be successfully used prime mover wher
ever constant rate oscillation speed is
25 required, provided the limits within which
the forces tending bring the moving sys
tem given position are proportionate to
the displacements, are not materially ex
ceeded. reciprocating engine comprising 63
combination, cylinder, piston and spring
connected with oracting upon the reciprocat
ing element, the said spring and reciprocating
element being related substantially the
mannerdescribedsothattheforces whichtend 70
to bring the reciprocating parts into given
position are proportionate the displace
ments, whereby isochronous vibration is
obtained. The method producing isochronous
movement herein described,which consists 105
reciprocating piston steam gas under
pressure and controlling the rate period of
reciprocation the vibration spring, as
set forth.514,169 3
it, than would the period oscillation of
a pendulum permanently maintained vi
bration, upon the force which periodically
impels it, the effect variations such force
S being merely produce corresponding vari
ations the length stroke amplitude of
vibration respectively. The pawl pivoted R'
and its bifurcated end engages with the teeth
of the ratchet wheel alternately oppo-
50 site sides the same, one end the pawl
at each half oscillation acting propel the
wheel forward through the space one tooth
when engaged and locked the other
end the last half the oscillation which
55 brings the first end into position engage
with another tooth.
P ,
Another application the invention to
move conductor magnetic field for gen
erating electric currents, and these and
60 similar uses obvious that the character
istics the enginerender especially adapt
ed for use small sizes units. The method operating reciprocating no
engine which consists reciprocating pis
ton, maintaining the movements the pis
ton, the vibration air spring and apply
ing the heat generated the compression of
the spring the steam gas driving the 113
piston. The combination cylinder and pis
ton adapted reciprocated steam or
gas under pressure, cylinder and piston con
stituting air spring connected with the
piston, jacket forming chamber around 100
the air spring through which the steam or
compressed gas passed its way the
cylinder, and for the purpose set forth.