The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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Poznámky redaktora
85 6. Witnesses: K , P. electrical system the kind de­ scribed, the combination with transformer, and the points terminals between which occurs the intermittent oscillating dis- 60 charge, body insulating liquid sur­ rounding the same, and means for maintain­ ing flow circulation the same, set forth. 2. The combination with discharge points immersed oil, conductor adapted pe­ riodically bridge the space between such points, set forth. The flow oil regulated the speed at which the pump driven, and this means the period re-establishment the 45 arc controlled. If now the tank filled with oil and the latter drawn off permitted flow off 2o through the tube the turbine will ro­ tated the flow, the rate rotation being dependent upon the rate flow. When necessary desirable may insert in the pipe coil which contained in 40 jacket through which cooling medium is passed. The further objects the invention are se­ cured placing the transformer the body oil the tank and the condenser 30 closed receptacle Then order to ■maintain circulation the oil and pro­ vide for the requisite flow which rotates the turbine, connect the tank with the con­ denser box means the pipe also 35 run pipe from the box small ro­ tary pump and another pipe from the latter back the tank B.514,168 thing, interpose between said terminals a conductor series conductors success­ ively means which the effective dis­ tance length the path discharge or 5 may varied will. 7. NIKOLA TESLA. The combination with discharge points 90 immersed oil, means for causing flow of the oil between said points and metallic turbine mounted betw'een the points and adapted the rotation produced the flow­ ing oil bridge with its vanes blades the 95 space between the said points. The combination with discharge points immersed oil, means for periodically va­ rying the length the path discharge be­ tween them, described. 4. 2. the end this tube secured ex­ tension insulating material and the two xo terminals are caused project through the sides the same, indicated Fig. Within the extension secure two cross-bars H which afford bearings for the spindle a small metallic turbine the blades which, i5 the turbine revolves, bridge the space be­ tween the two terminals, nearly quite touching the terminals their movement. this means the arc discharge periodically es­ tablished through flowof oil, which secures 25 the most satisfactory manner the condi­ tions best adapted for practical results. 0. Having now described invention and the best means which aware which the same may carried into effect, what I claim is— 50 electric system the kind de­ scribed, the combination with the points or terminals between which occurs the inter­ mittent oscillating discharge means for maintaining between said points and the path the discharge flow insulating 55 liquid, set forth. electrical system the kind de- 65 scribed, the combination with transformer and the points terminals between which occurs the intermittent oscillating dis­ charge, receptacles inclosing the same and containing oil and means for maintaining 70 flow the oil through said receptacles and around the devices therein, set forth. 3. electrical system the kind de­ scribed, the combination with the points or terminals between which occurs the inter- 75 mittent oscillating discharge, means for maintaining flow insulating liquid between the discharge points, and means for varying the length the path discharge through such fluid, dependent for operation 80 upon the flow the same, set forth. This accomplish in the following manner: A pipe tube that leads into tank B