To all whom concern:
Be known that Nikola Tesla, citizen
of the United States, residing New York,
in the county and State New York, have in-
5 vented certain new and useful Improvements
in Means for Generating Electric Currents, of
which the following specification, refer
ence being had the drawings accompanying
and forming part the same,
io The invention, subject present ap
plication, improvement applicable more
especially the method system gener
ating and utilizing electrical energy, hereto
fore discovered me, and more fully set
15 forth Letters Patent No.United States Patent Office. 462,418, November 1891,
and which involves the maintenance in
termittent oscillatory discharge con
denser circuit suitable capacity into a
so working circuit containing translating de
vices. 514,168, dated February 1894.
SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No. systems this character when the
high frequency the currents employed is
due the action disruptive intermit
tent discharge across air gap break at
25 some point the circuit, have found to
be advantage not only break de
stroy the least tendency continuity the
arc discharge, but also control the period
of the re-establishment the same, and from
30 investigations made with this object
in view have found that greatly' improved
results are secured causing the discharge
to take place and through insulating
liquid, such oil, and instead allowing
35 the terminal points the break remain at
a uniform distance from, each other, vary
such distance bringing them periodically
in actual contact sufficiently near estab
lish the discharge and then separating them,
40 what the equivalent this, throwing in
and out the gap break conducting
bridge predetermined intervals. sectional
view detail mechanism. (H
Figure diagram thesystem and de
vices employed me.
ApplicatioufiledAugust 1893. ob
tain the best results, moreover, find es
sential maintain the point discharge
45 flow the insulating medium, or, gen
eral, such circulation the same will
constantly operate cut off break the
discharge fast established. SerialH
o, 482,194. 454,622, June
23, 1891, and No. 100
Instead employing two terminals fixed
distance, however, for the gap across which
the discharge takes place, vary the distance
between them, what practically the same
. The
accomplishment this latter result involves
50 the employment some mechanism for main
taining the flow circulation the insulat
ing medium past the points discharge, and
I take advantage the presence such
mechanism accomplish further and bene
ficial result which the maintenance 55
flow circulation the insulating liquid in
which immerse the converter coils used for
raising the potential the current, and also
the condenser plates when such are required
and used. this means the insulating 60
liquid surrounding the said coils and plates
may prevented from heating, either its
circulation alone the application it
while motion cooling medium, and its
requisite qualities preserved for indefinite 65
time. 75
G represents electric generator, for
instance, ordinary alternator, the cir
cuit which thé primary trans
former, which represents the secondary,
which usually much longer and finer 80
wire than the primary.
NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. the secondary cir
cuit, have not itself sufficient capac
ity for the purpose herein contemplated, are
connected the plates condenser and at
any point said circuit break gap 85
which occurs the disruptive discharge. a
portion the secondary circuit, preferably
in series with the condenser, shown the
drawings, primary coil with which is
associated secondary S', which latter con- 90
stitutes the ultimate source currents for a
working circuit which with which are
connected translating devices Under the
conditions assumed will understood that
by the oscillation change caused the ac- 95
tion the discharge, the condenser charged
and discharged setting the primary '
an electrical disturbance enormous fre
quency, has been explained patent
referred to, and now well understood.
Broadly considered the plan contemplated
is entirely independent the special means
for carrying into execution, but illustra
tion the preferred manner which the in- 70
vention may carried out, now refer
to the drawings which are hereto annexed