and will fifty volts, and as
the capacity effect proportionate the
square this difference, the energy stored
5 the coil whole will npw two hun
dred and fifty thousand great; Follow
ing out this principle, may wind aoy.
Coils composed independent strands or
conductors wound side side and connected
25 series are not themselves new, and do
not regard more detailed description the
same necessary.
W itnesses:
Robt. But heretofore, far as
I aware, the objects view have been es
sentially different from mine, and the results
which obtain even incident such 30
forms of' winding have not been appreciated
or taken advantage of. coil composed contiguous adja
cent insulated conductors electrically con- 50
nected series and having potential dif
ference such value give the coil as
a whole, capacity sufficient neutralize its
self-induction, set forth.
What claim invention is—
In carrying out invention ob
served that certain ,facts are well under
stood those skilled the art, viz: the re- 35
lations capacity, self-induction, and the
frequency and potential difference the cur
rent. coil for electric apparatus the adja-
ent convolutions which form parts the
circuit between which there exists potential 45
difference sufficient seeure the coil ca
pacity capable neutralizing its self-induc
tion, hereinbefore described.this particu
lar way possesses additional advantage iu
that evenly distributed, consideration
of the greatest importance many cases, and
the results, both efficiency and economy,
20 are the more readily and easily obtained as
the size the coils, the potential difference,
or frequency the currents are increased. Gaylord,
Parker Page.
coll either whole part, not only in
the specific manuer herein illustrated, but
io great variety ways,well-known the
art, secure between adjacent convo
lutions such potential difference will give
the proper capacity neutralize the self-in
duction for any given current that may be
15 employed.
2. Capacity secured .
tential difference between any two adjacent
points A. What capacity, therefore, any given
case desirable obtain and what special
winding will secure it, are readily deterain- 40
able from the other factors which are known