My present invention has for its object to
avoid the employment condensers which
are expensive, cumbersome and difficult to
maintain perfect condition, and con-
30 struct the coils themselves accomplish
the same ultimate object.
Let Fig., one thousand, then the po-
. well-
known that the higher the frequency po
tential difference the current the smaller
the capacity required counteract the self-
induction; hence, any coil, however small
the capacity, maybe sufficient for the pur- 55
pose stated the proper conditions other
respects secured.
I have illustrated diagrammatically the 80
accompanying drawings the general nature
of the plan which adopt for carrying out
this invention.
Application filed July 7,1803. the ordinary coils the
difference potential between adjacent turns
or spires very small, that while they are
in sense condensers, they possess but very 6e
small capacity and the relations between the
two quantities, self-indnction and capacity,
are not such under any ordinary condi
tions satisfy the requirements herein contem
plated, because the capacity relatively the 65
self-induction very small. 512,340, dated January 9,1894.
1 have found that every coil there exists
40 certain relation between its self-induction
and capacity that permits current given
frequency and potential pass through it
with other opposition than that ohmic
resistance, or,in other words, though itpos-
45 sessed self-induction.
been accomplished heretofore the use of
condensers constructed and applied sepa-
25 rate instruments. designate any given coil the
spires convolutions which are wound
upon and insulated from each other. 479,804, (Homodel. conductor be
wound parallel with the conductor and in
sulated from it, and the end Abeconnected 100
with the starting point the aggregate
length the two conductors being such that
the assumed number convolutions turns
is the same, viz. diagram 85
a winding designed secure the objects of
iny invention.nited States Patent Office.
In order attain myobject and properly
increase the capacity anygiven coil, wind
it such way secure greater differ
ence potential between its adjacent turns 70
or convolutions, and since the energy stored
in the coil—considering the'latter con
denser, proportionate the square the
potential difference between its adjacent con
volutions, evident that mayin this way .75
secure proper disposition these con
volutions greatly increased capacity for a
given increase potential difference'between
the turns. Fig.
I would here state that the term coils I
desire include generally helices, solenoids,
or, fact, any conductor- the different parts
35 which the requirements its applica
tion use are brought into such relations
with each other materially increase the
self-induction. The effects self-induction, above
referred to, are known neutralized by
20 proportioning proper degree the capacity
of the circuit with relation the self-induc
tion and frequency the currents. If
how, shown Fig. Serial Ko.
N SLA, YORK, Y. Let 90
be assumed that the terminals this coil
show potential difference one hundred
volts, and that there are one thousand con
volutions; then considering any two contigu
ous points adjacent convolutions let 95
assumed that there will exist between them a
pptential difference one-tenth volt.
SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No.!
To whom concern:
Beit known that citizen
of the United States, residing New York,
in the county and State NewYork, have in-
5 vented certain newand uséfulImprovements
in Coils for Electro-Magnets and other Appa
ratus, which the following specification,
reference being had the drawings accompa
nying and forming part the same,
io electric apparatus systems which
alternating currents are employed the self-
induction the coils conductors may, and,
in fact, many cases does operate disadvan-
tageously giving rise false currents
15 which often reduce what known asthecom-
mercialefficiency the apparatus composing
the system operate detrimentally other
Figure diagram coil wound in
the ordinary manner. This due the
mutual relations existing botween the special
character the current and the self-induc
tion and capacity the coil, the latter quan
tity being just capable neutralizing the
50 self-induction for that frequency