The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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2o are the secondary coils which are asso­ ciated with the main coils They are in circuits which’include the coils respect­ ively, the connections béing made such order that currents induced coils and 25 circulating coils will act opposition to those coils far only the location of the magnetic poles the ring con­ cerned. For assumingthe operation,of the motor due the action above set forth—the first effect current impulse this motor will magnetize 60 the pole pieces but the current thereby induced coils magnetizes the pole pieces L and the current induced turn coils E' magnetizes the pole pieces The polepieces are not magnetized, least their full ex- 65 tent, simultaneously this means, but there is enough retardation delay produce a rotary effect influence upon the arma­ ture. ’ NIKOLA TESLA. The method operating electro-mag­ netic motors having independent energizing 105 circuits herein described, which consists in developing alternating current one of said energizing circuits and inducing there­ by currents the other energizing circuit or circuits, herein set forth. The application this principle not limited the special forms motor herein 70 shown, any the double circuit alternat­ ing current motors invented and de­ scribed former Letters Patent may beadapted tothe samepurpose. object con- 55 structing the motor this way effect more perfectly shifting the points of maximum magnetic effect.511,915 la the drawings annexed have shown in Figure alternating currentgenerator con­ nected with motor, shown diagrammatically and constructed accordance with in- 5 vention, and Fig. E are two other magnetizing coils wound midway between coils but having a stronger magnetizing influence for current of given strength than coils D. The armature may any the forms 30 used alternating current system and shown wound with two closed coils G right angles each other. Witnesses: Geo. This method or mode producing the currents the in- 75 dependent energizing circuits the motor may carried out various ways, and is not material the invention broadly con­ sidered, what devices employed effect­ ing the result, viz: the induction from orby the 80 current from the generator source, the current currents which co-operate there­ with producing the rotation the motor. 1farther, thereby obtaininga stronger and better rotary effect. A designates any ordinary form alter­ nating current generator and the line wires for connectingthe same with the motor, io the annular field magnet the motor. In order prolong the magnetizing effect of the induced currents producing shift- 35 ing the poles, have carried the principle of the construction exhibited Fig. The cylindrical disk armature core this motor has polar projections wound with coils 0 forming closed circuits. Over these are wound the secondary coils the 45 next polar projections are wound the sec­ ond energizing coils which are circuit with coils Tertiary induced coils are then wound over the coils and the re­ maining polar projections the third ener- 50 gizing coils are wound and connected up in the circuit the tertiary coils E'. Referring Fig. . 95 What claim is— 1. diagram modified form motor. D are two main coils wound opposite sides the ring oi- annular field and con­ nected with the line, and having tend­ ency magnetize the ring with opposite iS poles midway between the two coils. 2. Monro, Edward vans. The method operating electro-mag­ netic motors having independent energizing circuits, herein described, which consists in passing alternating current through one rco of the energizing circuits and inducing by such current the current the other ener­ gizing circuit the motor, set forth. annular field *0 magnet having three pairs oppositely lo­ cated sets polar projections Upon one paiir these projections, the main energizing coils are wound. I would state that using the word gen­ erator, mean either primary generator, 85 such magneto machine, secondary generator, such electrical converter, and claiming protection for inducing the current one set energizing coils the current which circulates another, would 90 be understood including the induction of the secondary current from the current from the same source that which traverses the motor coils whether flowing the same branch part the circuit not