United States Patent Office. (N
omodel.Lika, border country Austria-
Hungary, subject the Emperor ofAustria-
5 Hungary, residingat New York, thecounty
and State New York, have invented new
and useful Method Electrical Transmis
sion Power, which the following de
scription, this application being division of
to application filed May 15, 1888,Se
rial No.
292,475. 60
The following illustrative the manner
in which carry out this invention: Iemploy
as motor, for example, subdivided annu
lar field magnet within which mounted a
suitable armature, such cylinder disk 65
wound with two coils right angles, each of
which closed upon itself. 511,915,dated January . Bo
By connecting the main coils circuit
with generator alternating currents the
armature the motor will rotated.
Original application filedM
ay 15,1888, SerialSo,273,993. Dividedandthis applicationfiledD
ber 3,1888. 10c
. is
probable that this action explained the
following theory: current impulse the 85
line passing through the main coils estab
lishes the magnetic poles the annular field
magnets points midway between said coils.
SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No. This shift
ing continued each successive current im
pulse establishes what maybe termed rotary
effort and operates maintain the armature
in rotation.
But this impulse produces the secondary
coils current which, circulating through the 90
second pair energizing coils tends estab
lish the poles points ninety degrees re
moved from their first position with the result
of producing movement shifting the
poles obedience the combined magnetiz- 95
ing effect the two sets coils. opposite sides
of the annular field magnet wind two coils
of insulated wire sizeadapted carry the
current from the generator. Over these coils 70
or close them iii any the well understood
ways wind secondary coils. 75
The last pair coils make finer wire
than the main line and secondary coils and
with greater number convolutions that
they may have greater relative magnetizing
and retarding effect than either the others. SerialN
NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. The disposition the generator coils
is such that the currents developed the cir
cuits including them will have certain dif
ference phase, for example, that the maxi-
25 mum periods the currents generated one
of its circuits coincide with the minimum pe
riods the currents produced the other
circuit, and the corresponding energizing cir
cuits the motor are arranged that the
30 two currents co-operate effect progress
ive shifting the magnetic poles the points
of maximum magnetic effect the motor in
consequence which rotation its mov
able element maintained.
This invention carried out the follow
ing way: Instead generating directly the
alternating currents each the circuits
which include the energizing coils the mo-
45 tor, means the induced coils a
magneto electric machine, generate pro
duce alternating current but one of
such circuits directly and means such
current induce the proper current the other
50 energizing motor circuit., ASSIGNOR THE TESLA ELECTRIC
COMPANY, SAME PLACE. When the inde
pendent currents are both produced the
magneto machine will observed that the
two line transmitting circuits will ne
cessity extend the entire distance from the
generator the motor,but that the method 55
herein provided, one line circuit maybe dis
pensed with one circuit that from the
generator may brought into the proper in
ductive relation the other any desired
point. 273,993, and for the method oper
ating motors contained such application. also wind on
the annular field magnet midway between the
first mentioned coils pair coils which I
connect npin circuit with the secondary coils.)
To all ivhom concern:
Be known that Nikola Tesla, from
Smiljan, .
35 present invention involves this system
of electrical power transmission; its distin
guishing characteristic being the mode or
method generating producing the alter
nating currents which run operate the
40 motor.
In former patents granted have
shown and described system for the elec-
15 trical transmission power characterized by
the followingparticulars: The motor contains
independent energizing circuits and the gen
erator has corresponding induced current
generating circuits which are connected by
20 independent line circuits with those the