except that
a self induction coil introduced into
one branch energizing circuit the motor. no
In Fig. self induction coil included
in one the motor circuits and dead resist
ance the other.
Fig. Fig. These several features of
the invention shall now describe more de
tail reference the accompanying draw
ings. lieu resistances may
employ variable self induction coils, both
circuits. dead resistance be
introduced into each motor circuit, rotary 85
effect will produced long the resist
ances are equal, but varying the resist
ance one circuit the retardation the cur
rent that circuit will varied, and corre
sponding effects produced. Fig. like manner shows self in:
45 duction coil each motor circuit. The increased self in
duction one circuit thus produced acts to
increase the difference phase between the 115
current such motor circuit and the unre
tarded current the main line the
other hand, the introduction the dead re
sistance the other motor circuit reduces the
retardation and brings the phases the cur- 120
rent therein more closely accord with those
of the unretarded current, thus producing a
correspondingly greater difference phase
between the two currents the energizing
circuits and 125
In Fig. The relative degrees retardation
of the phases the current the two motor
circuits with respect those unretarded 80
current from the circuit thus produced will
set rotation the motor which may be
practically utilized for many purposes. two self induction coils are
shown, one each motor energizing cir
cuit. diagram showing dead resistance
in one circuit and self induction coil the
self induction one circuit dead resist
ance inserted, the self induction such
circuit exerts correspondingly diminished
effect, and the phases the current flowing
S that branch are brought more nearly in
unison with those unretarded current
from the main line and the necessary differ
ence phase between the currents the two
energizing circuits thus secured.
The motor contains given number pole
pieces wound with two sets coils and D. Fig.
For example, may insert variable resist
ances both branches energizing circuits
and varying one the other bring
the phases the two currents more less in
13 unison with those the unretarded current,
I may thus vary the direction the rotation
of the motor. may Use resistance one
20 and self induction coil the other and vary
either both. The two
self induction coils may the same char
acter size desired use but one at
. This system means op
erating the motors rendered great prac
tical value employing armature wound
with energizing coils closed upon themselves,
25 which currents are induced the alter
nating currents passing the field coils that
serve greatly increase the mutual attract
ive effect between the armature and the field
magnets. 7is dia
gram illustrating means for varying will
the electrical character the motor circuits.
But one the motor circuits, a
dead, resistance represented intro
duced, the self induction that circuit 75
branch reduced and the phases current
therein retarded correspondingly less
extent. This use the armature with
30 closed coils regard important feature
of invention. One these coils much smaller
than the other and has less self induction or
counter electro motive force than the other, 130
so that the phases current will retarded
to less extent than the other. Assuming the two mo
tor circuits have the same degree self
induction and resistance rotary effect will 70
be produced the passage through them of
an alternating current from the source A. will un
derstood that the generator may pri
mary secondary generator, and the line B
55 may the main transmission circuit a
local circuit from transformer connected
at any point the line main trans
mission circuit.
The effect thus increasing the self induc
tion one the circuits retard the ,
phases the current passing therein a
greater extent than the other circuit and
in this way secure the necessary difference
in phase between the two energizing currents
to produce the rotation the motor. For example, 90
reduction the resistance one circuit im
parts the motor rotation one direction
while reduction the resistance the
other circuit will produce rotation the
opposite direction. Fig. is
a diagram showing dead resistances both
40 motor circuits.
If, Fig. Fig.
50 Referring Fig. take ad-
io vantage these results several ways. the arrangement all the parts ico
is similar that shown Fig. 1,A designates suitable
source alternating currents and the
line wires running therefrom. diagram showing
a self induction coil one motor circuit.
35 Figure diagram the system in
which the motor coils energizing circuits
are derivation the main line with dead
resistance inserted one circuit.
In Fig. is
a diagram showing the two motor circuits of
different electrical character.
The armature wound with permanently
closed energizing coils which currents
5 are developed inductive action when the
motor operation which magnetize the
armature core and greatly increase the effi
ciency the motor. For convenience this
case, will considered line from a
60 given source current one more motors. means the two re- 95
sistanees, therefore, capable variation or
of being bodily withdrawn from inserted
in the circuits any well known means, a
perfect regulation the motors secured