The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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the system referred and de­ scribed the said patents the production or 25 generation the alternating currents, upon the combined resultant effect which the operation the system depends, effected by the employment alternating current generator with independent induced circuits 30 which, reason the winding other con­ struction the generator, produces currents differing phase, and these currents are con­ veyed directly from the generator the cor­ responding motor coils independent lines 35 circuits. SPECIFICATION forming' part Letters Patent No. 70 My present application relates the means employed when the two energizing currents are obtained from single original source by derivation. 40 Broadly stated, this system method in­ volves source alternating equivalent currents, single transmission circuit, mo­ tor having independent energizing circuits connected with adapted for connection 45 with the transmission circuit, means for ren­ dering the magnetic effects due the ener­ gizing circuits different phase, and ar­ mature within the influence the energiz­ ing circuits; the means foraccompiishingthis 50 result being such nature retard the current one energizing circuit greater or less extent than the other., ASSIGNOR THE TESLA ELECTRIC COMPANY, SAME PLACE.nited States Patent Office. Or, the other hand, may connect the two energizing 60 circuits the motor derivation multi­ ple arc with the main circuit from the source. 511,560, dated December 26. The degree retardation may readily secured by these means which will produce the dif­ ference electrical phase between the two 100 currents necessary for the practical operation of the motor. NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. If, however, the coils of one circuit have greater number con­ volutions around the cores, self induction coil included one the circuits, the 93 phases the current that circuit are re­ tarded the increased self induction. The distri­ bution the main ororiginal current through the two motor circuits may effected in­ duction derivation.) To all whom concern: Be known that Nikola Tesla, sub­ ject the Emperor Austria-Hungary, from Smiljan,Lika, border countryof Austria-Hun- 5 gary, residing New York, the county and State New York, have invented cer­ tain new and useful Improvements Sys­ tems Electrical Power Transmission, of which the following specification, refer- i ence being had the drawings accompany­ ing and forming part the same. In either event make due provision for main­ taining difference phase between the cur­ rents the two circuits branches. 382,280, dated May 1888, are connected deri­ vation multiple arc with the conductors of circuit including alternating current generator.293,052. S . SerialN o. In explanation what appears the 73 principle the operation invention and the functions the several instru­ mentalities comprised thereby, let as­ sumed that the two energizing circuits an alternating current motor, such, for example, 80 as have described Patent No. 273,993,1have shown and described the means which have employed for secur­ ing this result inducing one energizing current from the other. obvious that both circuits 83 are alike and offer the same resistance the passage the current rotary effect willbe produced, for although the periods the cur­ rents both circuits will lag retarded to certain extent with respect un- 90 retarded current from the main circuit, their phases will coincide. other words, 55 may pass the alternating current from the source through one energizing circuit, and in­ duce such current second current the other energizing circuit. Applicationfiled Decemter 8,1888. lieu increasing the . In certain patents heretofore granted,I have shown and described system electrical power transmission which each motor con- 15 tained two more independent energizing circuits through which were caused pass alternating currents having each circuit such difference phase that their com­ bined resultant action they produced ro­ lo tary progression the poles points max­ imum magnetic effect the motor and there­ by maintained the rotation its movable element. (N om odel.1893. have, however, discovered that I may produce the same similar result by alternating current from single origi­ nal source using between the generator and motors but one line transmission circuit. 63 In application filed May 15, 1888, Serial No