The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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These two meas- . The figures are diagrams showing the me­ ter operative relations working-circuit and under slightly-modified arrangements. Serial N o, 386,660. The free ends terminals of the conductors are connected either series in the circuit supplying the current the lamps other devices parallel re- 40 sistance the said circuit and series with the translating devices.United States Patent Office. Other modified arrangements the con­ ductors are contemplated, will under­ stood from the following description and ref- 70 erence the drawings. From such variation the resistance either or both the conductorsformingthe positive 65 and negative electrodes the cellthe current energy expended may readily computed. resistance connected se­ ries with the two conductors C', which by their free terminals are connected the circuit one the conductors 90 The method using this device and com­ puting means thereof the energy the current will readily understood. First, the resistances the two conductors O', respectively, are accurately measured and 93 noted. connect these con­ ductors series through resistance, but in such manner that there equal difference 35 potential between them throughout their entire extent. My invention pertains methods and apparatus for estimating the electrical energy that has been expended electric circuit or any given portion the same. G - designates suitable direct- 73 current generator. Under such circum­ stances current passing through the con­ ductors establishes difference potential between them which proportional the 45 strength the current, consequence of which there leakage current from one conductor the other across the solution. NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. From these data too the constant obtained—-that sa3r, for example, the increase resistance one conductor the diminution the resistance of the other per lamp-hour. In Fig. Moreover, there constant difference of potential between the tsvoconductors through­ out the entire extent that exposed the solution, the current density through such so- 55 lution the same all corresponding points, and hence the deposit uniform along the whole one the conductors, while the metal taken away uniformly from the other. are the conductors of the circuit extending therefrom and in­ cluding and supplying lamps other trans­ lating devices tube, preferably of glass, the ends which are sealed, 80 means insulating plugs caps CC' are two conductors extending through the tube their euds passing out through the plugs terminals thereon. (N om odel. ELECTRICAL METER. iS The principle the invention embodied, in any form apparatus which con­ ductor immersed electrolytic solution is so arranged that metal may deposited upon it taken away from such manner that 2o its electrical resistance varied definite proportion the strength the current the energy which computed, whereby such variation resistance may serve a measure the energy may utilized in 25 various well-understood waysto bring into ac­ tion suitable automatic registering mechan­ ism when the resistance exceeds falls below predetermined limits. The- resistance one conductor this 60 means diminished, while that the other is increased both proportion the strength ofthe current passing through the conductors. SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No. Then kuown current passed through the instrument for given time, and by second measurement the increase and diminution the resistances the two con­ ductors respectively taken. 455,068, dated June 30,1891. The strength this leakage current pro­ portional the difference potential, and, 5° therefore, proportion the strength the current passing through the conductors. ApplicationfiledM arch27,1891. In carrying out invention prefer to 30 employ electrolytic cell, through which ex­ tend two conductors parallel and close proximity each other. These con­ ductors may corrugated formed other 85 proper ways offer the desired electrical re­ sistance.) To whom concern: Be known that Nikola Tesla, sub­ ject the Emperor Austria, from Smiljan, Lika, border countryofAustria-Hungary, and 5 residentofNewYork, the county and State of New York, have invented certain new and useful Improvements Electrical Meters, of w’ nicli the following specification, refer­ ence being had the drawings accompany- io ing and forming part the same