The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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5. wire conductor similar the wire /, 60 Fig.1. 2. 4. In Fig.coated like manner with a refractory insulating material 7 c. For this last-named purpose the body in to electrical contact with metallic sheet in .. con­ ducting body inclosed rarefied ex­ hausted receiver and connected directly or inductively one pole terminal the source energy, asset forth, 120 ■ 6.454,622 ings. The method producing electric light by incandescence electrically induct- 105 ively connecting conductor inclosed a rarefied exhausted receiver one the poles terminals source electric energy current frequency and poten­ tial sufficiently high render said body in- rre candescent, set forth.p, with more or less complete metallic lining ,s', electrically 65 connected metallic head plate with a conductor that attached ono 1 pole the source current. rarefied exhausted glass globe receiver, which body car­ bon other suitable conductor this body connected metallic conductor /, 25 which passes through and sealed the glass wall the globe, outside which is united copper other wire means of which electrically connected to one pole terminal the source current. The neck of the globé fits into socket composed an insulating tube cylinder . The light-giving body this case straight-stem carbon, is electrically connected with the said plate . This lamp consists rarefied or exhausted bulb globe which incloses a refractory conducting body, carbon, of comparatively small bulk and any desired 5 Shape. electric energy current enormous frequency and excessively high potential, incan- 115 descent lamp lamps consisting of. This invention not limited the special 70 means described for producing the results hereinabove set forth, for will seen that various plans and means producing cur­ rents very high frequency are known, and also means for producing very high poten- 75 tials; but have only described herein cer­ tain ways which havé practically carried out the invention. The preferred form lamp for this purpose, hoAvever, shown Fig. . system electric lighting, the com­ bination,with sourceof currentsofenormous frequency and excessively high potential, of incandescent lighting devices, each con­ sisting conducting body inclosed 125 rarefied exhausted receiver, said conduct­ ing body being connected directly induct­ ively one pole terminal the source of current, and conducting body bodies in the vicinity said lighting devices con- 130 nected the other pole terminal said source, set forth. 1 3. the interior the neck the globe, and' on the outside said neck second sheet which connected with the source of current. The method producing electric env- rent for practical application, such for elec­ tric lighting, which consists generating or producing current enormous frequency and inducing such current working 90 circuit, that which the lighting devices are connected, current corresponding frequency and excessively high potential, as set forth. These two sheets form the arraa- 15 tures condenser, and them the cur­ rents orpotentials are developed the light­ giving body. The method producingan electric r-95 rent for practical application, such for elec­ tric lighting, which consists charging con­ denser given current, maintaining an intermittent oscillatory discharge said condenser through into primary circuit, rco and producing thereby secondary work­ ing-circuit inductive relation the pri­ mary very high potentials, set forth. which is. A reflecting-plate shown applied the out­ side the globe This form lamp a type those designed for direct electrical connection with one terminal the source 40 current; but, above stated, there need not direct connection, for the carbon or otherilluminatingbodymaybe rendered lumi­ nous inductive action the current there­ on, and this may brought about sev- 45 eralways. The loweredges of this tube are electrical contact with a metallic plate secured the cylinder all the exposed surfaces such plate and the 55 other conductors being carefully coated and protected insulation. This body connected the secondary one more conductors sealed in the glass, ordinary lamps, ar­ ranged inductively connected thereto. 85 2. 30 Outside the globe the conducting-wires are protected coating insulation 7 ?,ofany suitable kind, and inside the globe the sup­ porting-wire inclosed and insulated a tube coating Jcof refractory insulating 35 substance, such pipe-clay the like. In this figure the globe formed with cy­ lindrical neck, within which tube sheet m conducting material the side and 50 over the end cylinder plug any suitable insulating material. many lamps this other kinds may connected the terminal S' as the energy supplied capable maintain- 20 ing incandescence. What claim is— . The improvement the art-of electric 80 lighting herein described, which consists in generating producing for the operation of the lighting devices currents enormous fre­ quency and excessively high potential, sub­ stantially herein described. The metallic lining and the sheet thus compose the plates armatures condenser. system electric lighting, consisting in the combination, with source of