. The
better results are obtained when the primary
has low self-induction. The details the improvements are illus
trated the drawings, which-
Fignrel diagram motor exhibiting
my invention.currents both primary and sec
ondary coils such motor Will retarded
or will lag behind the impressed electro-ino-
35 tive force; but secure proper difference
in phase between the primary and secondary
currents themselves increase the resistance
of the circuit the secondary and reduce as
much practicable its self-induction.
2.forth. the lag
55 the secondary increased increasing
the self-induction that circuit, while the
increased tendency the primary lag is
counteracted inserting therein deád re
sistance. are polar
projections upon which the! coils are wound. Fig; similar diagram of
20 modification the same. the
other hand, the secondary circuit have a
high self-induction its lag behind the cur
rent the primary directly increased,
io while will still further increased the
primary have a\Try lowself-induction.445,207
actual difference -of phase between its own
and the primary current, first, diminish
ing the lag between the primary current and
the impressed electro-motive force, and, sec-
S ond, its own lag retardation behind
the impressed electro-motive force.,
E. The combination, inamotor,of primary
energizing-circuit adapted connected
with the circuit generator and second- 100
ary energizing-circuit inductive relation"
thereto, the two nircuits being different
self-induction, herein sét forth.
3. coils may insert dead resist
ance this means the difference of
phase between the primary and secondary 70
increased. Coffin. apply these prin
ciples the construction motor which I
15 shall now describe.
In the disposition shown Fig. 80
In practice have found desirable to
wind the armature with closed ceils which
currents are induced the action thereon
of the primaries. 'Sidney, Jr. The combination, motor, primary
energizing-coils adapted connected 105
source current and. let designate the field-magnet
of motor which, all these motors, is
built sections plates.eter and having but few turns
around the cores; use some conductor of
higher specific resistance, such German
45 silver; may introduce some point in
the secondary circuit artificial resistance
R. Thus the self-induction the secondary
is kept down and its resistance increased
with the result decreasing the lag between
50 the impressed electro-motive force and the
current the primary coils and increasing
the difference phase between the primary
and secondary currents. evident that both means of
increasing the difference phase—namely,
by the special winding well the sup
plemental external inductive and dead re
sistance-may employed conjointly. 75
In the operation this motor the current
impulses the primary coils induce currents
in the secondary coils, and the conjoint
action the two the points greatest mag
netic attraction are shifted rotated. The combination,in motor,ofa primary
energizing-circuit adapted connected
with the circuit generator and second
ary energizing-circuit inductive relation 95
thereto, the two circuits being -different
electrical character resistance, set forth.secondary energizing-
coils circuit inductive relation thereto,
one set said coils being formed conduct
ors small size and few turns, the other by
conductors larger size, set.
. This may done the
proper winding the coils, the circuit
including the secondary coils may in- 65
troduce self-induction coil while the
primary circuit from the generator and in
25 Upon one pair these poles, wind
primary coils which are directly connected
to the circuit alternating-current gen
erator the Same poles also wind sec
ondary coils eithér side side over or
30 under the primary coils, and these connect
with other coils which surround the poles
B The .. 90
What claim is—
In Fig.
I not claim, broadly, herein the method 85
of operating motors inducing one cir
cuit currents means those another,
nor the other features herein not specifically
pointed out the claims; having personally
filed applications for such features.comparatively
sinali diam.
NIKOLA TESLA. The primary coils this case
have low self-induction and high resist- 60
ance, while the coils included the sec
ondary circuit, have high self-induction and
low resistance. do
40 this using for the secondary circuit, par
ticularly the coils wire of