The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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, ASSIGNOR THE TESLA ELECTRIC COMPANY, SAME PLACE. this motor when alternat­ ing current caused passthrough the pri­ mary coils energizes directly one set of 25 poles and induces currents the secondary coils, which act energize the other poles; :but the phases the current the second­ ary coils may differ time from those the primary current, and hence rotation shift- 30 ing the polos effected that imparts rota­ tion the motor.) To all ; whom may concern: Be known that Nikola Tesla, sub­ ject the Emperor Austria-Hungary, from Sniiljan, Lika, border country Austria-IIun- S gary, residing New York, the county and State New York, have invented certain new and useful Improvements Electro-Magnetic Motors, which the following specifica­ tion, reference being had the drawings ae­ ro eompanying and forming part the same. SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No. These motors may constructed many other ways; but for purposes this case is only necessary consider the specific form 35 -which have thus generally described, my improvements relate mainly such form. two the opposite poles the field wind primary coils, which arc connected the main circuit. The following explanations will serve to illustrate the principle upon which said in- 55 vention based. the 20 same cores also wind secondary coils, which are closed through coils the other pair or set poles. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC MOTOR. Among the various forms alternating- ' current motors invented one. Next consider the conditions imposed the association in­ ductive relation with the primary coil, a secondary coil.United States Patent Office. the op- 60 eration the machine alternating currents will bedeveloped the circuit, and tho phaées of these currents will theoretically coincide with the phases the impressed electro-mo-, tive force. -445,207, dated January. 40 the motors constructed accordance with this principle bring two energizing- circuits into inductive relation the motor itself—that say, the secondary currents .currents traversing and delivered by the generator behind the impressed electro­ motive force, such lag being the mean re­ sultant the lag the current through the primary alone and that what have des- 90 iguated the unrotarded current the entire working-circuit.which I have described other applications, and which constructed follows: build field- 15 core with, say, four poles, between which is mounted armature that generally wound with closed coils.27,1891. which energize one set the field-cores are 45 induced the motor itself, and the employ­ ment external induction device thus avoided. The operation these motorsrhow­ ever, dependent upon the existence a certain difference phase between the cur- 50 rents theprimary and secondary coils. Serial Ho, 311,417. The current generated the 95 secondary coil will react upon the primary current, modifying the retardation the same, according the amount self-induc­ tion and resistance the secondary circuit. If the secondary circuit have but little self- 100 induction—as, for instance, when contains incandescent lamps only—it will increase the .” It will understood, course, that in practice there always more less self-in­ duction the circuit, which modifies cor­ responding extent these conditions; but for 70 convenience this may disregarded the consideration the principle operation, since the same laws apply. Application filed May20,1889. (Fomodel. Let assumed that an ordinaryalternating-eurrent generator con­ nected circuit practically self- induction, such, for example, asa circuit con­ taining incandescent lamps only. Such currents may regarded 65 and designated the unretarded currents. The, insertion this coil will also cause lagging retardation 85 pf the.conditions the specific object present invention. Assume next that path currents formed across any two points the above circuit, consisting, 75 for example, the primary induction device. NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. To obtain difference phase lag that is suited . The object present invention to render this form motor more efficient and to improve its action inode working . The phases the currents passing through the primary, owing the self-in­ duction the same, will not coincide with the phases the impressed electro-motive 80 force, but will lag behind the same, sucli lag being directly proportional the self-induc­ tion and inversety proportional the resist­ ance the said coil