R ,
P. Upon this core
is wound the secondary circuit coil B. When the strength the
primary reaches certain value, the shield C,
becoming saturated, ceases protect the sec
ondary from inductive action, and current is
in consequence developed therein.
2, also, source alternating rapidly
40 changing currents. Fig.
dary wound over the shield I11 Fig.
This latter then covered with layer or
layers annealed and insulated iron wires
io wound direction right angles to
said secondary coil. The primary circuit D
is wound next the core Over this ap
plied the shield which this case made
35 thin strips plates iron properly
insulated and surrounding the primary, form
ing closed magnetic circuit. electrical transformer induction 50
device, the combination, with the main mag
netic core and the primary and secondary
coils circuits, magnetic shield screen
interposed between said coils, herein set
forth. Over the whole then
wound the primary coil wire From
the nature this construction will soon
be obvious that long the shield formed
15 the wires below magnetic saturation
the secondary coil circuit effectually pro
tected shielded from the inductive influ
ence the primary, although would state
that open circuit may exhibit some elec-
20 tro-motive force. electrical transformer inductive
device, the combination, with the magnetic
core and the primary and secondary coils or
circuits, magnetic shield screen sur
rounding one said coils only, set forth. Forsimi-
25 lar reasons, when the primary current weak
ens, the weakening the secondary re
tarded thesame approximately the same
Having now described invention, what
I claim is—
A the main core the transformer,
S composed ring soft annealed and insu
lated oxidized iron wire. electrical transformer induction
device, the combination, with main lami
nated magnetic core and primary and second
ary coils thereon, subdivided Iami- 70
nated magnetic shield screen interposed
between the coils, set forth.
4. 60
5. for exam
ple, the core built thin insulated
iron plates disks. electrical transformer induction
device, the combination, with the magnetic
core and the primary and secondary coils
wound thereon, magnetic shield screen
wound built around one only said 65
coils, described. electrical transformer, the combi
nation, with magnetic core and primary
and secondary coils wound thereon, mag- 75
netic shield screen interposed between
said coils and surrounding one them and
adapted capable being magnetic
ally saturated predetermined current
strength below the maximum the primary, 80
as set forth.
The specific construction the transformer
30 largely immaterial.433,702
lar view modified form transformer,
showing’ diagrammatically the manner of
using the same.
F two-circuit alternating-current mo
tor, one the circuits being connected with
the main circuit from the source and the ts
other being supplied with currents from the
secondary the transformer. The primary the trans
former connected with the circuit the
generator. 55