The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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have further discovered that such a transformer may, properly proportion­ ing its several elements and determining in a manner well understood the proper relations 85 between the primary and secondary windings, the thickness the magnetic shield, and other conditions, constructed yield constant current all loads.nited States Patent Office. In the accompanying drawings have illus­ trated the construction above set forth. Apulicationfiled March 26. more perfectly 55 attain this condition obtain secure an increased retardation the secondary cur­ rent the following manner: Instead ofbring­ ing the primary and secondary coils cir­ cuits transformer into the closest possi- 60 ble relations, has hitherto been done, pro­ tect measure the secondary from the in­ ductive action effect the primary sur­ rounding either the primary the secondary with comparatively-thin magnetic shield 65 screen., ASSIGNOR THE TESLA ELECTRIC COMPANY, SAME PLACE. Fig. (Bomodel. ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER INDUCTION DEVICE. On 35 the other hand, the lag the primary behind the impressed electro-motive force maybe di­ minished loadingthe secondary with non- inductive dead resistance—such incan­ descent lamps—wherebythe time intervalbe- 40 tween the maximum the minimum periods of the primary and secondary currents in­ creased. 433,702, dated August 5,1890. 345,390. In transformers constructed now- and heretofore will found that the electro­ motive force the secondary very nearly co­ incides with that the primary, being, how- 25 ever, opposite sign. SPECIFICATION-forming part Letters Patent No. Figure cross-section transformer embodying improvement. Under these conditions circum­ stances, long the primary current has a small value, the shield protects the secondary; but soon the pritnary currenthas reached a certain strength, which arbitrarily deter- 70 mined, tlieprotectingmagneticshieldbecomes saturated and the inductive action upon the secondarybegins.) To whom concern: Be known that sub­ ject the Emperor Austria-IIungary, from Smiljan, Lika, border country Austria- 5 Hungary, residing New York, the county and State New York, have invented certain new and useful Improvements Electrical Transformers pi-induction Devices, which the following specification, reference be- ro ing'hadto the drawings accompanying and forming part the same. This invention improvement elec­ trical transformers converters, and has for its main objects the provision means for se- 15 curing, first, phase difference between the primary and secondary currents adapted to the operation alternating-current mo­ tors and other like purposes, and, second, a constant current for all loads imposed upon 20 the secondary.1890. This time interval, however, lim­ ited, and the results obtained phase dif­ ference the operation such devices as 45 alternating-current motors can only be approximately realized such means pro­ ducing securing this difference, above indicated, for desirable such casesthat there should exist between the primary and 50 secondary currents, those which, however produced, pass through the two circuits the motor, difference phase ninety de­ grees; or, other words, the current one circuit should maximum when that the other circuit minimum. simi- 100 . the same time the currents, both primary and secondary, lag be­ hind their respective electro-motive forces; but this lag practically nearly the same the case each follows that the 30 maximum and minimum the primary and secondary currents will nearly coincide, but differ sign direction, provided the sec­ ondary not loaded contain devices having the property self-induction. precise rules can be given for the specific construction and pro- 90 portions for securing the best results, this is matter determined experiment and calculation particular cases; but the gen­ eral plan construction which have de­ scribed will foundunder all conditions 95 conduce the attainment this result. Serial Bo. Itresults,therefore,tliatthe secondary current begins flow certain fraction period later than would without 75 the interposed shield, and since this retarda­ tion may obtained without necessarily, re­ tarding the primary current also, addi­ tional lag secured, and the time interval be­ tween the maximum minimum periods 80 the primary and secondary currents in­ creased. NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y