One useful and effi
cient application the invention shown in
Fig. First, by
retarding the current, and, second, retard
ing the magnetization one set the cores,
from which its effectiveness will readily ap
pear. The first effect is
to effectively retard the current impulse in
circuit while the same time the propor
tion current which does pass does not mag-
io netize the cores which are shielded or
screened the shields the increasing
electro-motive force then urges more current
through the coils the iron wire becomes
magnetically saturated and incapable car-
15 rying all the lines force, and hence ceases
to protect the cores which become mag
netized, developing their maximum effect
after, interval time subsequent the
similar manifestation strength the other
20 set magnets, the extent wdiich arbi
trarily determined the thickness the
shield II, and other well-understood condi
tions. alternating-current motor having
two energizing-circuits, the combination,with
the magnetic cores and the coils one the
circuits which energize the said cores, mag
netic shields forming closed magnetic circuits 65
around the coils and interposed between the
coils and cores, set forth.
R obt. 60
3. said figure motor shown simi
lar all respects that above described, ex-
35 cept that the iron wire II, which wrapped
around the coils this case connected
in series with the coils The iron-wire
coils I-I, are connected and wound, to
have little self-induction, and being-
40 added the resistance the circuit the
action the current that circuit will be
accelerated,while the other circuit will
be retarded.
30 Many modifications the principleof this
invention are possible. alternating-current motor having
two energizing-circuits, the combination,with 50
the magnetic cores and coils one the cir
cuits,of interposed magnetic shields orscreens
for retarding the magnetization said cores,
as set forth.rected through the two circuits the motor,
it will quickly energize the cores but not
so the cores for the reason that passing
through the coils there encountered the
5 influence the closed magnetic circuits
formed the shields IT. .
4. alternating-current motor having
two energizing-circuits derived from the same
source, the combination,with the cores and the 7o
coils one the circuits that energizes the
same, insulated iron-wire coils wound on
the said energizing-coils right angles to
their convolutions and connected series
with the coils the other energizing-circuit, 75
as set forth. not, however, limit my
self any specific form arrangement; but
What claim is—
1. Gaylord,
P arker age.
. The shield may made in
many forms, will understood, and used
in different ways, appears from the forego- 45
ing description. alternating-current motor having 55
two energizing-circuits, the combination,with
the magnetic cores and the coils one the
circuits wound thereon, magnetic shields
or coils wound around said coils right an
gles their convolutions, set forth.
From the above will seen that tlieap-
25 paratus device acts two ways.