apparatus largely immaterial; not,
however, claim this, application, broadly,
the application variable heat vary the
25 magnetic conditions field force in
which induced conductor containéd. Coffin. STONE?,Jr. such case this the heat the. Moreover, the dif
ference between the temperature the ap-
13 plied heat and the steam, air, whatever
gas fluid applied the'cooling médium,
may increased ordecreased will, where
by the rapidity the magnetic changes or
fluctuations may regulated.
fire may utilized for other purposes after
as much,of may needed has been ap-
to plied heating the core There are spe
cial advantages the employment a. electrical generator, the combina
tion, with magnetized core body and a
conductor within the field force produced 30
thereby, inclosed source heat applied
to portion said core, and artificial
cooling device for reducing the temperature
of the heated portiortthereof, set forth.
In the steam-exhaust pipe valve V,
S which connected thelever the move-
ment which the said valve opened or
What claim is—
E. Thecombination,with magnetized core 35
ui body and conductor under the influence
thereof, inclosed source heat applied
to portion said core, means for bringing
a cooling gas fluid contact with the
heated portion the core, and means for con- 40-
trolling the admission the
ing device, that the metal the core is
not quickly oxidized.
NIKOLA TESLA. Thecombination,with magnetizedcore
containing passages channels, and coils
wound thereon^of means for applying heat to
a,portion the core, and connection with 45
a boiler for admitting steam into the chan
nels, set forth.
2o far present iávention, broadly,
is concerned,,the specific construction the.
tlie tubes the armature that steam
escaping from the boiler will pass through
said tubes.