' Let represent magnetized core per- .
D furnace closed fire-box, through
which the central portion the core ex
tends. The lowering its temperature ac
companied return its magnetic prop
erties, and another change magnetic con- 55
ditidns occurs, accompanied current in
an opposite direction the coil. These improvements are applicable
generally thegenerators constructed onthe
plan above described—that say, may
use artificial cooling device conjunction
with variable varied uniform source 75
of heat.invention residesbeing, first,theem-
ployment artificial pooling device, and,
second, inclosing the source heat and that
portion the magnetic circuit exposed the
heat and artificially cooling the/said heated 70
part. Above the Are boiler contain
ing water. The same
operation may repeated indefinitely, the
efféet upon the coil being similar that
which would follow from moving the magnet- 60
ized bar and from the end the iron bar
or plate.
This invention improved form of
electrical generator based upon the following
well-known laws: First, that electricity pr
electrical energy developed any conduct-
15 ing-body subjecting such body vary
ing magnetic influence, and, second, that the
magnetic propertiesof iron orother magnetic
substance may partially entirely de
stroyed caused disappear raising it
20 certain temperature, but restored and
caused reappearby again lowering its tem
perature toa-certain degree.
In the drawingsI have illustrated device
constructed accordancewith invention.-
The device formingthe subject pres
ent invention is-an improved means ob
taining this result, the features novelty 65.
manent magnet thepolesof whichare bridged 85
by armature-core composed easing or
shell inclosing number hollow iron
tubes Around this core are wound the
conductors E', form the coils which
the currents are developed.)
To all whom, rimy concern:
Be known that esla sub
ject the Emperor Austria-Hungary, from
Smiljan,Lika, border countryofAustria-IIun-
5 gary, residing NewYork, the county and
State New York, haveinvented certain new
andusefulImprovements ElectricalGenera
tors, which the following specification. When this condition reached,
the ironsomewhatsuddenly loses its magnetic
properties, very thin, and the same
effects produced though the iron had been
45 moved away from the magnet the heated
section had been removed.
Figure central vertical longitudinal 80
section the complete apparatus. PECK, ENGLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY. Then remove the flame in
any other way reduce the temperature the
United States Patent Office.and the steel bar a
flame other source heat which will be
capable raising that portion the iron ,
40 Orange-red, ora texnperatnire about 600°
Original applicationfiledHay 26,1887) Birial Ko., subject con
ductor varying magnetic influence, pro
ducing such variations the application of
heat, or, more strictly speaking, the appli
cation action varying temperature
30 uponthe source the magnetism. is
a cross-section the magnetic armature-core
of the generator., ASSIGNOR ONE-HALF CHARLES
NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. The flue from the fire-box may 95
extend through the boiler. 312,060-
fflfomodel. Around the endof the iron bar plate
wind coil insulated wire; Then apply to
the iron between the coil. 239,481.'
This application division applica-
ro tion filed bymeMay26,1887,SerialNo. the circuits 90
of these coils are translating devices, F'.
P .
Gis water-supplypipe, and IIis the steam-
exhaust pipe, which communicates with all
. end, and pref
erably actual contact, permanently-mag
netized steel bar and strip bar soft
35 iron. 428,057, dated May 13,1890. Thisprin
ciple operation maybeillustrated asim-
ple experiment: Place end to.
SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No. Theselaws may
be applied the production electrical cur
rents many ways, the principle which is
25 all cases the same—viz.239,481. prefer, however, employ uni
form heat. This change of
condition,however, accompanied shift
ing the magneticlines, or,mother words,by
a variation the magnetic influence which
the poiiis exposed, and current the coil 50
is the result. Dividedandtile application filedKaj 28,1889, Serial Ko. Fig