The coils Fare connected
in multiple series with source alter
nating currents, and are wound that with a
' current current impulse given direction
they will make the alternate pole-pieces of
60 one polarity and the other pole-pieces of
the opposite polarity. The construction of
■iS the armature may the same the pre
vious figure, may simply magnetic
disk cylinder, shown, and coil coils
F are secured position surround both
the armature and the poles C'.
NIKOLA TESLA. other words, in
all such motors the proper relations between
the number alternations and the mass,-
size, quality the iron must preserved
in order secure the best results. Stoney, Jr.
It will understood that the degree of
subdivision, the mass the iron the cores,
their size, and the number alternations in
the current employed run the motor must
be taken into consideration order prop
erly construct this motor. ffin.
Upon the fall cessation the current im
pulse that established these polarities the
magnetism which lags behind the current
phase, and which continues manifest itself
in the polar projections and the arma
ture, in'oduces repulsion rotation the
armature. The principle the
operation this motor the same the other
herein described, for, considering any two
pole-pieces C', current impulse passing-
65 the coil which bridges them wound
overboth tends establish polarities their
ends opposite sign and set the
armature-core between them polarity the
same sign that the nearest pole-piece C. These
are matters, howrever, that are wnll under
stood those skilled the art. When closed coils are used, the
cores should laminated.
thus wound. the con
struction this motor employ annular
magnetic frame with inwardfy-extending
ribs projections the ends which ail
bend turn one direction- and are gen-
40 erally shaped conform the curved sur
face the armature. IIII are uprights sides of
a frame, preferably magnetic, the ends C'
of which are bent, substantially shown, to
conform the shape the armature and
form field-magnet poles. this motor
also the magnetic lag effect intensified
by winding one both cores with closed in
duced coils. alternating-current motor, the com
bination, with armature-core circular :
configuration, supporting-frame, field-
cores extending therefrom over portions of
the periphery the armature, and energiz-
ing-coilssurroundingsaid armature and parts
of the field-cores, set forth. Coils are wound
from one part the one next adjacent,
the ends loops each coil group of
wires being carried over toward the shaft,
45 form U-shaped groups convolu
tions each end the armature.434,036
induced coils intensify this effect, although
in the drawings have shown but one the
fields, each element the motor really con
stitutes field, wound with the closed coils,
E. The combination, with the rotatably-
mounted armature, the circular frame J,
the ribs with polar extensions extending
over portions the armature, and the ener
gizing-coilsF, w'oundover portions the pole- ;
pieces and carried loops over the ends of
the armature, herein set forth. What occurs in
the case one pair pole-pieces occurs si
multaneously all, that the tendency to
rotation the armature measured the
sum all the forces exerted the pole-
pieces, above described. Such motor have designed de
velopment the principle the motor
shown Fig. making multipolar motor,
35 which illustrated Fig.5 the currents being induced mainly those
convolutions coils which are parallel the
coils modified form this motor is
shown Fig'. The armature-core shown . The
cylindrical drum armature the same
construction the other motors described,
and mounted rotate within the annular
frame and between the U-shaped ends or
55 bends the coilsF. .
2. The effect continued each
reversal the current. alternating-current motor, the com
bination, with the armature and field-cores,
of stationary energizing-coils enveloping the
said cores and adapted produce polarities
or poles both, the field-cores extending out
from the coils and constructed ex
hibit the magnetic effect imparted them
after the fall cessation current impulse
producing such effect, set forth. The pole-
pieces C', being substantially concentric
with the armature, form ledges, along which
the coils are laid and should project to
50 some extent beyond the coils, shown. this form Gis one two
standards that support the bearings for the
io armature-shaft.
It evident that pulsatory w'eli an
alternating current might used drive or
operate the motors herein described; but I
prefer use alternating currents.
One the most important feat ores alter
nating-current motors that they should be
adapted and capable running efficiently
in the alternating systems present use, in
30 which almost without exception the gener
ators yield very high number alterna
3. The arma-
20 ture detachable from its shaft, the latter
being passed through the armature after it
has been inserted position. The operation
of this form motor the same principle
as that previously described and needs no
25 further explanation.
What claim is—