50 motor which embodies invention,
with certain modifications thereof, illus
trated the accompanying drawings,
In Figs. These may subdivided
or laminated, which case hard iron steel
plates bars should used, they should 65
be wound with closed coils.
To carry out this invention employ mo
tor embodying the principle „construction
of motor described and claimed ap-
45 plication filed January 1889, No.
To all whom concern:
Be itknown thatl, Nikola Tesla, subject
of the Emperor Austria -Hungary, from
Smiljan, Lika, border country Austria-Hun-
5 gary, residing New York, the county and
State New York, have invented certain new
and useful Improvements Electro-Magnetic
Motors, which the following specifica
tion, reference being had the drawings ac-
io eompanying and forming part the same.
Generally have made such motors with
closed armature-coils. 'When
25 alternating current passed through the
coils such motor, the field magnets or
poles donot appear manifest their attractive
effect upon the armature simultaneously, the
magnetic attraction some appearing lag
30 behind that others, with the result pro
ducing torque and rotation the motor., ASSIGNOR THE TESLA ELECTRIC
40 rent which produce them, are manifested si
multaneously and not successively. The armature also
exhibits two poles right angles the coils
F like poles those the pole-pieces 90
being the same side the coils. The protruding end 85
pole-piece for instance, will one sign,
and the corresponding end pole-piece will
be the opposite sign.
I have invented another form motor,
35 which, for similar reasons, may called a
“magnetic-lag” motor; but operation dif
fers from that which have above described
in that the attractive effects phases the
poles, while lagging behind the phases of.nited States Patent Office. similar view another
I have invented and elsewhere described
an electro-magnetic motoroperated adapted
to operated alternating electric cur
rent, and which now commonly designated,
15 whether correctly not, magnetic-lag”
motor. This effect 100
continued the reversal current, the po
larities field and armature being simply
reversed. and designates base or
stand, and the supporting-frame the 60
SPECIFICATION forming part Letters
ay20,1889. 311,416, (N
; \
Figure side view the motor ele
vation. may wind this disk with number of
closed coils are the main energizing-
coils, supported any convenient manner by
the supporting-frame, otherwise, but soas to
include within their magnetizing influence 75
both the pole-pieces and the armature D. One both the elements—the
1armature field—may wound with closed
. The main distinguishing features of
this motor are the following: armature is
mounted within the magnetizing influence of
a certain number field magnets poles of
20 different magnetic susceptibility—that to
say, poles unequal length, mass, com
position—and wound with coils adapted in
the operation the motor connected
to source alternating currents. While
the current flowing there appreciable
tendency rotation developed; but after
each current impulse ceases begins fall
the magnetism the armature and the 95
ends the pole-pieces lags continues
to manifest itself, which produces rotation
of the armature the repellent force be
tween the more closely approximating points
of maximum magnetic effect. part-sectional view at
right angles Fig.
295,745, the extent that both the armature
and field receive their magnetism from sin
gle energizing-coil plurality coils act
ing one. circular
disk-armaturebuilt sections plates of
iron and mounted the frame between the
pole-pieces C', which latter are preferably
curved conform the circular shape there- 70
The pole-pieces project out beyond
the coils opposite sides, indicated
in the drawings. end view 55
in elevation and part section modifica
tion, and Fig. Fig. alternating current
be passed through the coils rotation 80
the armature will produced, and this rota
tion explain the following apparent ac
tion mode operation: impulse of
current the coils establishes two polari
ties iii the motor.
NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. 424,036, dated March 25,1890. Fig.
Patent No. Bolted the said supporting-frame
are two magnetic cores pole-pieces O', of
iron soft steel