The polarity set up
25 the armature, however, lags behind the
manifestations field magnetism, and lienee
the maximum points attraction arma
ture and field, instead coinciding, are an
gularly displaced. poles act con
junction with the poles the armature es-
40 tablislied poles turn poles B
act similarly with the poles ,set O',
respectively. The former are 115
wound with primary coils and secondary
coils J', the latter with coils The pri
mary coils are derived circuits, between
which, reason of. There are two
coils one branch and two coils in
the other branch the main circuit from
the generator These two circuits or
branches are different self-induction, one,
as being higher than the other. therefore em
ploy the secondary supplemental poles B'
other cases. and The
former end view the motor with the
armature section and diagram connec
tions, and Fig.
The operation will understood from the
foregoing. their different self-induc
tion, there difference phase, say, 120
thirty degrees.
I explain the action this motor fol-
15 lows: Assuming that impulse alterna
tion circuit branch just beginning-
while the branch just falling from
maximum, the conditions quarter-phase
difference. 105
This invention applied derived-cir
cuit motor illustrated Figs. This may accomplish winding
each supplemental pole with two coils II
II'. The coils are circuit
with one another, also are coils and
there should difference phase between
the currents coils and and their corre
sponding primaries of, say, fifteen degrees. Under such conditions the re
tardation the magnetic effect the arma
ture and that the secondary poles will bring
45 the maximum the two more nearly into
coincidence and correspondingly-stronger
torque magnetic attraction secured.
A motor thus constructed will rotate under
the action alternating current; but 75
happens the case previously described the
corresponding magnetic effects the arma
ture and field not coincide owing the
time that elapses between given magnetic
effect the armature and the condition 80
the field that produces it. will differ from
those its appropriate primary by,
say, forty-five degrees, one-eighth pe
riod. These modifications will
be illustrated hereinafter. These figures are also drawn to
show one the dispositions two fields that
may adopted carrying out the invention.
To Fig. therefore prefer re
move the secondary poles from the direct in
fluence the others.
In such disposition shown Fig. The coilsll are included derived cir- 90
cuit having the same self-induction circuit
D, and coils II' circuit having the same
self-induction circuit that these cir
cuits differ thirty degrees the magnetism of
poles will correspond that produced 95
by current differing from that either D
or fifteen degrees.
The poles are one field, the re
maining poles in-the othei-. For con
venience have indicated this making
coils much larger than coils reason
of this difference the electrical character 70
of the two circuits the phases current in
one are retarded greater extent than the
othér. the
coils replaced the coils IIII' in
cluded derived circuits, the magnetism 100
the poles will correspond effect or
phase, may' termed, that pro
duced current differing from that in
either circuit forty-five degrees, or
one-eighth period. Let this difference thirty degrees.416,195
field with secondary poles 11' O', which are
situated between the others. This true ll. There being thirty degrees difference of
phase between the currents coils the
magnetic effects poles should corre- 85
spond that produced current differing
from the current coils fifteen
degrees. This effect counteracted
30 the supplemental poles C'. For example, Fig. These pole-
pieces wind with coils E', the former in
derivation the coils the latter coils E.
5 The main primary coils and are wound
for different sef-induction from that the
coils and E', the relations being fixed
that the currents and differ, for ex
ample, quarter-phase, the currents in
io each secondary coil, E'. vertical section through no
the field. 1
it will observed that the adjacent pole-
50 pieces either circuit are like polarity
they will have certain weakening effect
upon one another. 125
If the poles Care right angles, the arma
ture-coils should connected directly across,
or single armature-core wound from end to
end may used; but the poles in
line there should bean angular displacement 130
of the armature-coils, will well under
stood. This may doby con-
55 structing- motor with two independent sets
of fields, and with either one two armatures
electrically connected, using two arma
tures and one field. The maximum magnetic condition
. The mag
netic phases these poles succeed those of
poles the same, nearly the same,
period time elapses between the effect
of the poles and the corresponding in-
35 duced effect the armature; hence the mag
netic conditions poles and the
armature more nearly coincide and better
result obtained. The ideal resultant the at-
20 tractive forces the two sets poles C
therefore may considered progressing
from poles poles while the impulse in
E rising maximum and that fall
ing zero minimum. diagrammatic illustration a
motor and system which the difference of
phase artificially produced