sources and differ primarily phase.
A designates the field-magnet magnetic
frame the motor; oppositely-located
pole-pieces adapted receive the coils one
energizing-circuit; and similar pole- 80
pieces for the coils the other energizing-
circuit. The action op
eration motor thus constructed now
well understood. Considering the
30 structural and operative conditions any
one them—as, for example, that first-
named—the armature which mounted to
rotate obedience the co-operative in
fluence action the energizing-circuits has
35 coils wound upon which are closed upon
themselves and which currents are induced
by the energizing-currents with the object and
result ofenergizing the armature-core;but un
der any such conditions must exist these
40 motors obvious that certain time must
elapse between the manifestations ener
gizing-current impulse the field-coils, and
the corresponding magnetic state phase in
the armature established the current in-
45 ducedthereby; consequentlya given magnetic
influence effect the field which the di
rect result primary-current impulse will
have become more less weakened lost
before the corresponding effect the arma-
50 ture indirectly produced has reached its
maximum. will observed, how- 90
ever, that the magnetism poles for ex
ample, established current-impulse in
the coils thereon, precedes the magnetic effect
set the armature the induced cur
rent coils Consequently the mutual 95
attraction between the armature and field-
polesisconsiderably reduced. 311,419.
The object, therefore, this invention is
to construct organize these motors that
the maxima the magnetic effects the 65
two elements—the armature and field—shall
more nearly coincide. These circuits are designated, re
spectively, DE,the conductor forming
a common return the generator Be
tween these poles mounted armature— 85
for example, ring annular armature,
wound with series coils forming a
closed circuit circuits. shall hereinafter
show the application present inven
tion these several types. 416,195, dated December 1889. have prior
patents and applications shown various forms
or types this motor—first, motors having-
two more energizing-circuits the same
electrical character, and the operation of
20 which the currents used differ primarily in
phase; second, motors with plurality en
ergizing-circuits different electrical char
acter, means which the difference
of phase produced artificially, and, third,
25 motors with plurality energizing-circuits,
the currents one' being induced from
currents another.nited States Patent Office. (N
odel. remedy this, construct the motor-
This invention relates that form alter
nating-current motor invented me,inwhich
there are two more energizing -circuits
through which alternating currents differing
iS phase are caused pass.)
To all ivhom concern:
Be known that Nikola Tesla, sub
ject the Emperor Austria, from Smiljan,
Lika, border country Austria-Hungary, re-
5 siding New York, the county and State
of New York,have invented certain new and
useful Improvements Electro -Magnetic
Motors, which the following specifica
tion, reference being had the drawings ac-
io companying and forming part the same. Serial N
Figure This diagrammatic illustra
tion motorsystem such have described
in prior patents, and which the alter
nating currents proceed from independent 7., ASSIGNOR THE TESLA ELECTRIC
COMPANY, SAME PLACE. This accomplish in
various ways, which may best explain by
reference the drawings, which various
plans for accomplishing the desired results 70
are illustrated. This condition unfavorable
to efficient working certain cases—as, for
instance, when the progress the resultant
poles points maximum attraction very
great, when very high number alter- 55
nations employed—for apparent that
a stronger tendency rotation will main
tained the maximum magnetic attractions
or conditions both armature and field co
incide, the energy developed motor be- 60
ing measured the product the magnetic
quantities the armature and field. The same con
ditions will found exist if, instead of
assuming the poles acting inde
pendently, regard the ideal resultant 100
both acting together, which the real condi
SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No