The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet Sborník  |

Freely available at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

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composed magnetic plates having open center and pole-pieces cores different length, coils surrounding said cores and 35 included independent circuits, the coils on the longer cores containing excess cop­ per over that the others and being set in recesses the iron coreformed the plates, as set forth. alternating -current motor having two more energizing-circuits, the coils of 15 one circuit being composed conductors of large size low resistance and those the other fewer turns wire smaller size or higher resistance, set forth. 3. Witnesses: R obt. The combination, with field-magnet . I not claim herein, broadly, the method 5 and means securing rotation artificially producing greater lag the current one motor-circuit than the other, nor the use of poles cores different magnetic sus­ ceptibility, these are features which have io specially claimed other applications filed by me. . NIKOLA TESLA. What claim is— 1.416,193 higher self-induction are almost completely surrounded iron, which the retardation is considerably increased. alternating-current motor, the com- 20 bination, with long and short field-cores, of energizing-coils included independent cir­ cuits, the coils the longer cores containing an excess copper conductor over that in the others, set forth. 2. 4. The combination, with field-magnet 25 composed magnetic plates having open center and pole-pieces cores different length, coils surrounding said cores and included independent circuits, the coils on the longer cores containing excess cop- 30 per over that the others, set forth. G -aylord, F rank Hartley