have shown the drawings mo
tor embodying these features. 65
Figure part-sectional view the mo
tor right angles the shaft.
In prior patents and applications have
20 shown and described various forms motors
of this kind. Further
more, order approximate the magnetic 60
quantities the poles excited these coils,
I use the self-induction circuit cores much
longer than those the other resistance
circuit. the other set. Fig.
An important result secured the con
struction herein shown the motor is, that
these coils which are designed háve the ico
. SerialH
To all whom concern:
Be known that Nikola Tesla, sub
ject the Emperor Austria, from Smiljan,
Lika, border country Austria-Hungary, re-
5 siding New York, the county and State
of New York, have invented certain new and
useful- Improvements Electro -Magnetic
Motors, which the following specifica
tion, reference being had the accompany-
i ing drawings.
The lag rotation the phases al
ternating current directly proportional to
the self-induction and inversely proportional
to the resistance the circuit through which
40 the . For the circuit
B, use smaller conductor, conductor 75
of higher resistance than copper, such as
German silver iron, and wind the coils with
fewer turns. At
the same time the magnetic quantities., ASSIGNOR THE TESLA ELECTRIC
These requirements, which have found to
50 exist motors this kind, have led to
the invention motor having the follow
ing general characteristics: The coils which -
are included that energizing-circuit which
is have the higher self-induction make of
coarse wire, conductor relatively low 55
resistance, and use the greatest possible
length number turns. 416,193, dated December 1889. a
diagram the field-circuits. alternating current divided be
tween the twT
o circuits retarded its 90
ptkases the circuit much greater ex
tent than the circuit reason the
relative sizes and disposition the coresand
coils the magnetic effect the poles and
F upon the armature ■
closely approximate.current flows. 95
These conditions are well understood and
readily secured one skilled the art. let represent the .coils in
one motor-circuit, and those the other. Hence, order secure
the proper difference phase between the
two motor-circuits, desirable make the
self-induction one much higher and the re
sistance much lower than the self-induction
45 and resistance, respectively, the other. (H
odel.nited tates aten ffice0
SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No.
This invention relates alternating-cur-
rent motors the general description in
vented me, and which two more en
ergizing-circuits are employed, through -which
15 alternating currents differing phase are
passed, with the result producing pro
gressive shifting rotation the poles or
points maximum attractive effect.
ay20, 1889. of
coils use comparatively few turns finer
wire wire higher resistance.311,415. others the difference
■of phase artificially produced—as, for in
stance, cases where the motor-circuits are
30 different resistance and self-induction, so
that the same current divided between them
will retarded one greater extent
than the other, and the requisite phase dif
ference secured this way.of the
two poles sets poles which the two cir
cuits produce should approximately equal.
In Fig. this latter
35 class generally present invention relates. 70
The circuit have the higher self-in
duction. Each plate formed
with four (more less) long cores around
which space receive the coil and an
equal number short projections receive
the coils the resistance-circuit. I11 applying these coils mo
tor build field-magnet plates of
iron steel, secured together the usual 80
manner bolts I). The plates 85
are generally annular shape, having an
open space the center for receiving the
armature which prefer wind with closed
coils. therefore use long length a
large number turns coarse wire form
ing the coils this circuit.
ELECTRO-MAGNETIC MOTOR. Among them are motors in
which both energizing-circuits are electrically
alike—that say, both have the same or
approximately the same electrical resistance
,5 and self-induction—in the operation which
the alternating currents used are primarily
of different phase