say, the arrangement such
that current wave impulse corresponding
in direction with that the direct current in
one primary, opposite direction 70
that the other primary H'; hence results
that while one secondary offers resistance
or opposition the passage through a
wave one sign the other secondary simi
larly opposes wave opposite sign.
The disadvantages this arrangement, which
would seem result from the employment of
sliding contacts, are reality very slight, in- 125
asmuch the . each branch include the
55 secondary transformer induction-coil,
which, since they correspond their func
tions the batteries the previous figure, I
have designated the letters The pri
maries IIII' the induction-coils trans-
60 formers are connected either parallel or
series with source direct continuous
currents and the number convolutions is
so calculated for the strength the current
from that the cores will saturated. Brushes bbbear upon the
commutator and alternately short-circuit the
plates and and and through con
nection obvious that either the mag- 105
nets and commutator the brushes may re
volve.electro-motive force the
secondaries may made exceedingly low, so
that sparking the brushes avoided. The
direction the current thus produced op
posite one branch that the current in
the other branch, or, considering the two
10 branches forming closed circuit, the gen
erators are connected series there
in, one generator each part half the
The operation will understood from a
consideration the effects closing short-
circuiting the secondaries.
other plan of-carrying out the invention. Such disposition 90
I have represented diagrammatieally Fig. The armatures are prefer- .this circuit near which desired to
obtain direct currents divide the circuit B
into two paths branches each of
these branches place electrical generator,
5 which for the present will assume pro
duces direct continuous currents. The corresponding
secondaries for these coils and which are on
the same subdivided cores are cir
cuits the terminals which connect op- ico
posite segments and I/, respectively,
of commutator.
Fig. diagram, partly section, an- .
. 75
consequence the waves one sign will, a
greater less extent, pass way one
branch, while those opposite sign like 1
manner pass over the other branch. branch Care included two 95
primary coils E', and branch are two
similar primaries F'. Corresponding the previous figures, A
is the generator alternating currents, B
the line, and the two branches for the di
rect currents.
40 Figs. If, the
other hand, the electro-motive force the
sources lower than that between X
25 and the currents both branches will be
alternating, but the waves one sign will
preponderate. The electro motive force the cur
rent sources and may equal or
15 higher lower than the electro-motive forces
in the branches between the points X
and the circuit equal, evi
dent that current-waves one sign will be
opposed one branch and assisted the
20 other such extent that all the waves of
one sign will pass over one branch and those
of opposite sign over the other. If, the current alternates, the
secondaries the two branches are alter
nately short-circuited, the result will that 120
the currents one sign pass over one branch
and those the opposite sign over the other.
The translating other devices acted
upon the current are designated the let
ters and they are inserted the branches
35 any desired manner; but order to
better preserve even balance between the
branches due regard should had the
number and character the devices, will
be well understood.
65 The connections are such that the conditions
in the two transformers are opposite char
acter—that is. forex-
ample, the generator alternating cui’-
rents, the line circuit, and the
branches over which the alternating currents
are directed. will understood course that the
rotation and action the commutator must
be synchronism proper accord with
the periods the alternations order se
cure the desired results.
3. and illustrate what may be
termed “electro-magnetic devicesfor accom
plishing similar result—that say, in
stead producing directly generator an
electro-motive force each branch thecir-
45 cuit, may establish field fields force
and lead the branches through the same in
such manner that active opposition op
posite effect direction will developed
therein the passage tendency pass of
50 the alternations current. One the generators or
sources 'current may dispensed
with; but preferable employ both, if
30 they offer appreciable resistance, the
two branches will thereby better balanced.
In lieu saturating the primaries So
source continuous current, may include
the primaries the branches I), respect
ively, and periodically short-circuit any
suitable mechanical devices—such or
dinary revolving commutator—their seconda- 85
ries. For example, no
at the instant when given wave current'
passes one set secondaries short-cir
cuited, nearly all the current flows through
the corresponding primaries; but the second
aries the othev branch being open-circuited 115
the self-induction the primaries highest,
and hence little orno current will pass through
that branch. Fig. The 130
circuit this case divided, before, and
each branch includes the coils both the
field and revolving armatures two induc
tion devices