This system capable various useful ap
plications which not necessary describe
in detail; but will enough say that the
io convertibility the system from double cir
cuit single circuit feature itself of
great value and utility.
. The method operating synchronizing
m otors erein escrib ich sists in
electrica lly ectin term 20
th eing-circu . The
motor then runs synchronizing gen erator e
en ergizin g-circu otor til otor
h reach esired eed r
ru tin con ection forth.
What claim is—
N .
2 eth erein escrib sta rtin 25
or eratin izin otore, ich con
sists electrica lly ectin term te
p ciu -circu gen erator
an erg izin -circu otor to
earth til otor reach esired 30
sp eed terru tin eith of
th grou -con ection sot forth. Upstjll. When this arrangement of
circuits the motor brought speed, the
ground-connection broken between tire gen
erator motor both and ground, switches
5 being employed for this purpose.
W itn esses:
Edward Evans,
I not wish understood confining
myself the precise arrangement order of
iS connections herein set forth, these maybe
obviously varied many respects.9
wires II