In carrying out present invention con
struct generator with two coils sets of
coils and motor with corresponding energiz
ing coils sets coils. 300,220.)
To all whom concern:
Be known that Nikola Tesla, sub
ject the Emperor Austria, from Smiljan,
Lika, border country Austria-Hungary, re-
5 siding New York, the county and State
of New York, have invented certain new and
useful Improvements Methods Electrical
Power Transmission, which the following
is specification, reference being had the'
ro drawing accompanying and forming part
of the same.
SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No. some instances mechanical
appliances have been utilized for this pur
35 present invention improvement in
methods operating these motors and in
volves new and improved plan bringing
the motor the proper rate speed, that
it may run synchronism with the gen-
40 erator. others special and complicated
forms motor have been constructed.nited States Patent Office. The
system thus becomes one with two-circuit 100
generator and motor, the ground forming a
common return for the currents the two
From the common joint union between
the two coils sets coils both the gen
erator and motor earth-connection es- 90
tablished, while the terminals ends the
said coils circuits which they form are con
nected the line-conductors IIII. .
„ ApplicationfiledM
arch14,1889.By means two -
line-wires one terminal each generator-coil
or set coils connected one terminal of
its corresponding motor-coil set coils,
while the opposite terminals the generator-
coils are joined together and likewise those 60
the motor. SerialH
Let represent alternating-current mo
tor with, say, four poles the coils which
are connected pairs and the pairs connected 85
in series. 390,413, October 2,1888, except that the
generator and motor are constructed any
well-known way with strong tendency 70
synchronize. 75
In the drawing have illustrated this
method diagram.
Let Grepresent ordinary alternating-cur
rent generator having four field-poles per
manently artificially magnetized, and 80
armature wound with two coils connected
together seines. Its actual speed, therefore, may e,
faster slower than that the generator,
50 but said synchronous long it-
preserves the same relative speed.
This application for specific method of
transmitting power electrically, shown and
described in, and covered broadly the
15 claims of, application filed February
IS, 1889, No. 405,859, dated June 35, 1889.
Assuming that the motor synchronizing-
motor, one that has the capability run- 95
ning synchronism with the generator, but
not starting, may started the above-
described plan closing the ground-connec
tion from both generator and motor.
The expression synchronism with the gen
erator ”is used herein its ordinary accepta
tion—that say, motor said syn
chronize with the generator when preserves
45 certain relative speed determined its
number poles and the number alterna
tions produced per revolution the gener
ator. The motor-armature should have
polar projections and closed coils E. 303,251, G
To start the motor establish temporarily
an electrical connection between the points of
connection between the coils the generator
and those the motor, that the system 65
becomes ordinary double-circuit system
identical with that described patent,
As well known, certain forms alternat
ing-current machines have the property, when
connected circuit with alternating-cur-
20 rent generator, running motor syn
chronism therewith;but, whilethe alternating
current will run the motor after has at
tained rate speed synchronous with that
of the generator, will not start it; hence, in
25 all instances heretofore where these “syn
chronizing motors,” they are termed, have
been run, some means háve been emploj to
bring the motors synchronism with the
generator, approximately so, before the
30 alternating current the generator applied
to drive them. When this plan connec
tion the motor has attained the desired speed,
the earth-connection severed, which
means the system becomes ordinary single
circuit synchronizing system