ÚNMZ - Věstník 2016-08

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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Poznámky redaktora
Kratochvíl r.Věstník 8/2016 50 prEN ISO 18187 Soil quality Contact test for solid samples using the dehydrogenase activity Arthrobacter globiformis (ISO 18187:2016) CEN/TC 345 2016-09-23 prEN 14988 Children‘s high chairs Requirements and test methods CEN/TC 364 2016-09-09 prEN ISO 29481-2 Building information models Information delivery manual - Part Interaction framework (ISO 29481-2:2012) CEN/TC 442 2016-09-02 prEN ISO 16739 Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) for data sharing the construction and facility management industries (ISO 16739:2013) CEN/TC 442 2016-09-02 prEN ISO 12006-3 Building construction Organization information about construction works Part Framework for object-oriented information (ISO 12006-3:2007) CEN/TC 442 2016-09-02 prEN ISO 19490 Dentistry Sinus membrane elevator (ISO/DIS 19490:2016) CEN/TC 2016-08-30 prEN ISO 19448 Dentistry Analysis Fluoride Concentration Aqueous Solutions use Fluoride-Ion Selective Electrode (ISO/DIS 19448:2016) CEN/TC 2016-08-29 prEN ISO 11609 Dentistry Dentifrices Requirements, test methods and marking (ISO/DIS 11609:2016) CEN/TC   prEN 12627 Industrial valves Butt welding ends for steel valves CEN/TC 2016-08-23 EN ISO 15848-1:2015/prA1 Industrial valves Measurement, test and qualification procedures for fugitive emissions Part Classification system and qualification procedures for type testing of valves Amendment (ISO 15848-1:2015/DAmd 1:2016) CEN/TC 2016-08-30 prEN 144-1 Respiratory protective devices Gas cylinder valves Part 1: Inlet connections CEN/TC 2016-09-16 prEN 144-2 Respiratory protective devices Gas cylinder valves Part 2: Outlet connections CEN/TC 2016-09-16 prEN ISO 3887 Steels Determination the depth decarburization (ISO/DIS 3887:2016) ECISS/TC 101 2016-09-14 prEN 10348-2 Steel for the reinforcement concrete Galvanized reinforcing steel Part Galvanized reinforcing steel products ECISS/TC 104 2016-08-25 Ředitel odboru technické normalizace: Ing.