ÚNMZ - Věstník 2016-04

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví Autor: ÚNMZ

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2 of the Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI 303 979 V2.0 REN/SES-00398 SES HARM Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Harmonised Standard for Vehicle-Mounted Earth Stations (VMES) operating the 11/12/14 GHz frequency bands covering the essential requirements article 3.2 of the Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI 302 977 V2.0 REN/ERM-TG28-508 ERM TG28 Short Range Devices (SRD); Radio equipment for Euroloop railway systems; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements article 3.2 the Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI 301 681 V2. .0 REN/ERM-TG34-264 ERM TG34 Radio Frequency Identification Equipment operating the band 865 MHz to 868 MHz with power levels and the band 915 MHz 921 MHz with power levels Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements article 3.1.0 REN/SES-00390 SES HARM Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Harmonised Standard for Mobile Earth Stations (MESs) Geostationary mobile satellite systems, including handheld earth stations, for Satellite Personal Communications Networks (S-PCN) under the Mobile Satellite Service (MSS), operating the 1,5 GHz and 1,6 GHz frequency bands covering the essential requirements article 3.2 of the Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI 301 721 V2.0 REN/SES-00384 SES HARM Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Harmonised Standard for NGSO Mobile Earth Stations (MESs) including handheld earth stations, for Satellite Personal Communications Networks (S-PCN) operating the 980 MHz to 010 MHz (earth-to-space) and 170 MHz 200 MHz (space-to-earth) frequency bands under the Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) covering the essential requirements article 3.0 REN/SES-00391 SES HARM Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Harmonised Standard for Mobile Earth Stations (MES) providing Low Bit Rate Data Communications (LBRDC) using Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites operating below 1 GHz frequency band covering the essential requirements article 3.0 DEN/ERM-TG17WG3-16 ERM TG17 Induction loop systems intended assist the hearing impaired in the frequency range kHz; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements article of the Directive 2014/53/EU ETSI 302 208 V3.1. Kratochvíl r.0 REN/SES-00400 SES HARM Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Harmonised Standard for Earth Stations Mobile Platforms (ESOMP) transmitting towards satellites in non-geostationary orbit, operating the 27,5 GHz 29,1 GHz and 29,5 GHz 30,0 GHz frequency bands covering the essential requirements of article 3.1.Věstník 4/2016 71 Vydání: 20160512 Lhůta připomínek: 2016-05-12 Označení dokumentu Označení položky plánu ETSI Pracovní skupina (WG) ETSI 301 442 V2. REN/TETRA-03226 TCCE 3 Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA); Voice plus Data (V+D); Part 3: Interworking the Inter-System Interface (ISI); Sub-part Additional Network Feature for Mobility Management (ANF-ISIMM) ETSI 302 609 V2.2 the Directive 2014/53/EU Ředitel odboru technické normalizace: Ing.2 the Directive 2014/53/EU Vydání: 20160524 Lhůta připomínek: 2016-05-24 Označení dokumentu Označení položky plánu ETSI Pracovní skupina (WG) ETSI 303 348 V1.2 the Directive 2014/53/EU Vydání: 20160522 Lhůta připomínek: 2016-05-22 Označení dokumentu Označení položky plánu ETSI Pracovní skupina (WG) ETSI 300 392-3-5 V1.1