Kratochvíl r.
.Věstník 12/2013
prEN 13129
Railway applications Air conditioning for main line rolling
stock Comfort parameters and type tests CEN/TC 256 2014-03-17
prEN 15531-1 rev
Public transport Service interface for real-time information
relating public transport operations Part Context and
framework CEN/TC 278 2014-03-10
prEN 15531-2 rev
Public transport Service interface for real-time information
relating public transport operations Part Communications CEN/TC 278 2014-03-10
prEN 15531-3 rev
Public transport Service interface for real-time information
relating public transport operations Part Functional service
interfaces CEN/TC 278 2014-03-10
EN ISO 14906:2011/prA1
Electronic fee collection Application interface definition for
dedicated short-range communication
(ISO 14906:2011/DAM 1:2013) CEN/TC 278 2014-03-10
prEN ISO 19109
Geographic information Rules for application schema
(ISO/DIS 19109:2013) CEN/TC 287 2014-03-10
prEN ISO 4796-1 rev
Laboratory glassware Bottles Part Screw-neck bottles
(ISO/DIS 4796-1:2013) CEN/TC 332 2014-03-31
prEN ISO 3819 Laboratory glassware Beakers (ISO/DIS 3819:2013) CEN/TC 332 2014-03-31
prEN ISO 16496
Laboratory glassware Vacuum-jacketed vessels for heat
insulation (ISO/DIS 16496:2013) CEN/TC 332 2014-03-31
prEN ISO 384
Laboratory glass and plastics ware Principles design and
construction volumetric instruments (ISO/DIS 384:2013) CEN/TC 332 2014-03-31
prEN 16681
Steel static storage systems Adjustable pallet racking systems -
Principles for seismic design CEN/TC 344 2014-03-03
prEN 16682
Conservation Cultural Heritage Guide the measurements
of moisture content materials constituting movable and
immovable cultural heritage CEN/TC 346 2014-03-03
prEN 16687
Construction products Assessment release dangerous
substances Terminology CEN/TC 351 2014-03-31
prEN 45544-1
Workplace atmospheres Electrical apparatus used for the direct
detection and direct concentration measurement toxic gases
and vapours Part General requirements and test methods
CMI 2014-01-03
prEN 45544-2
Workplace atmospheres Electrical apparatus used for the direct
detection and direct concentration measurement toxic gases
and vapours Part Performance requirements for apparatus
used for exposure management
CMI 2014-01-03
prEN 45544-3
Workplace atmospheres Electrical apparatus used for the direct
detection and direct concentration measurement toxic gases
and vapours Part Performance requirements for apparatus
used for general gas detection
CMI 2014-01-03
EN ISO 10240:2004/prA1 Small craft Owner‘s manual (ISO 10240:2004/DAM 1:2013) CEN/SS T01 2014-03-24
prEN 10272 Stainless steel bars for pressure purposes ECISS/TC 107 2014-03-03
prEN 10273
Hot rolled weldable steel bars for pressure purposes with
specified elevated temperature properties ECISS/TC 107 2014-03-03
prEN 10314
Method for the derivation minimum values proof strength
of steel elevated temperatures ECISS/TC 107 2014-03-03
prEN 10028-7
Flat products made steels for pressure purposes Part 7:
Stainless steels ECISS/TC 107 2014-03-03
prEN 10303 rev Thin magnetic steel sheet and strip for use medium frequencies ECISS/TC 108 2014-03-03
prEN 10106 rev
Cold rolled non-oriented electrical steel sheet and strip delivered
in the fully processed state ECISS/TC 108 2014-03-03
prEN ISO 11970
Specification and approval welding procedures for production
welding steel castings (ISO/DIS 11970:2013) ECISS/TC 111 2014-03-03
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