Ultrazvukový anemometr

| Kategorie: Diplomové, bakalářské práce  | Tento dokument chci!

Práce popisuje principy a problémy při realizaci ultrazvukového anemometru. Je popsán princip výpočtu rychlosti větru a následné korekce výpočtu. Pro realizaci jsou využity ultrazvukové sensory a microcontrolér ARM Cortex-M3. Práce se zabývá generováním PWM signálu, jeho analogovou filtrací, zesílením a odvysíláním. Na přijímací straně jeto nízkonapěťový zesilovač a komparátor. Vyvíjený kód je popsán pomocí vývojového diagramu.

Vydal: FEKT VUT Brno Autor: Michael Dvořácek

Strana 42 z 49

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Poznámky redaktora
34 . Program calculate new value axis with every 32th measurement.1 Hardware We’ve built analog bandpass filter adjust PWM signal. 5. From ultrasonic receiver we’ve obtained 200 peak peak signal. We’ve added component and used rail rail operational amplifier amplify input signal. But can estimate preciseness about +/- m/s for both and value of wind speed. Then construct amplifier reach V peak peak its output. 5. Written code well documented suitable for further development and improvements. Program use peripherals from microcontroller to control created hardware.2 Software Software was the main part the development. enable PWM and Timer and wait for digital input interruption, let react received signal soon possible. Hardware part with its circuits, components, simulations and module board creation and digital part with its code and its documentation. All created code anemometer file and separated into few functions. There hasn’t been done any measurements outer conditions with various weather conditions. It use signal strength correction well temperature correction adjust airspeed constant. Comparator gives rising edge with higher value than top reference lower value than bottom reference. We’ve implemented all circuits one layer printed circuit board suitable connect as module evaluation board. Sensors has been put wooden holders, which keep them rectangular angle between axis.RESULTS There are two parts, which were developing. In practice refers about For calculation last 256 measured time delays used. Amplification has been set used all range converter. We were receiving signal from distance. Furthermore we’ve used external comparator with amplified received signal its inputs. Both was moved functional version laboratory conditions. this amplifier we’ve connected ultrasonic transmitter. favor that we’ve obtained kHz harmonic sinus signal