TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Block Systems

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Vydal: WAGO Elektro spol. s r.o. Autor: WAGO

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45 www. Step-down jumpers common terminal blocks different sizes, without losing conductor clamping point.5 mm² (AWG 12/14/16) terminal blocks (2004/2002/2001 Series)., from mm² (6 AWG) mm² (10 AWG) from mm² (10 AWG) to 2.5 mm² (10/12/14 AWG).5 mm² (14 AWG) (see illustration above).com Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S TOPJOB® Installation Step-Down Jumpers Step-down jumpers (2006-499 and 2016-499) Stepping down via push-in type jumper bar. Step-down jumper (2016-499) commons 16/10 mm² (16/8 AWG) terminal blocks (2016/2010 Series) with 10/6/4/2. large conductor can easily con- nected smaller conductors the distribution point. Stepping down via push-in type jumper bar. Step-down jumper (2006-499) commons 6/4 mm² (10/12 AWG) terminal blocks (2006/2004 Series) with 4/2.g. Commoning via open terminal side with end plate allows jumpering over two cross-section sizes for mm² (6 AWG) and mm² AWG) and one cross-section size for 6/4/2. Using step-down jumpers, end plate must inserted between the terminal blocks commoned. This can be beneficial long conductor runs where voltage drop can problem. Commoning via closed terminal side with end plate allows jumpering over two cross-section sizes, e. Additional through terminal blocks having smaller cross-section may commoned using push-in type jumper bars. example: from mm² (6 AWG) mm² (10 AWG) (see illustration above) from 10 mm² AWG) mm² (12 AWG).wago.5/1. Note: The total current the outgoing circuits must not exceed the nominal current the step-down jumper/push-in type jumper bar. Commoning may made either direction using the special thin end plate cover the open side. .5 mm² (8/10/12/14 AWG) terminal blocks (2010/2006/2004/2002 Series)