TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Block Systems Edition 2018

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: WAGO Elektro spol. s r.o. Autor: EN version

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Testing with test plug, max.7 Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S Description and Installation Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks with Push-Button and Push‑in CAGE CLAMP® 2200 2216 Series fine-stranded, tip-bonded fine-stranded, with ferrule (gastight crimped) fine-stranded, with pin terminal (gastight crimped) Push-in termination solid and ferruled conductors Terminating fine-stranded conductors via operating tool Removing all conductors via operating tool Marking strips: Snapping strip into the marker slots.wago.. WMB Inline markers: Snapping strip into the marker slots. Commoning with step-down jumpers Insert push-in type jumper bar and push down until hits backstop