TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Block Systems Edition 2018

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Vydal: WAGO Elektro spol. s r.o. Autor: EN version

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5 0.43 in 69,7mm/2.43 in 69,7mm/2.5) mm² AWG 800 V/8 kV/3 600 800 V/8 kV/3 600 800 V/8 kV/3 600 AU IN 13.14 (1.14 (1. Unit Item No.5 (16 13.43 inch 0.43 in 69,7mm/2. Unit Item No.74in 51,7 mm/2.04 in 61,8 mm/2.5) mm² AWG 0.43 inch Double-deck terminal block; through/through terminal block; with marker carrier; gray housing Double-deck terminal block; through/through terminal block; with marker carrier; blue housing Double-deck terminal block; ground conductor/through terminal block; with marker carrier; blue housing Item No.5 (16 A) Terminal block width: 3.46 51,7 mm/2.5) mm²; 2000 Series Double-Deck Terminal Block Technical Data Technical Data Technical Data 0. Pack. Pack. Unit L 2000-2238 2000-2239 2000-2237 50 Double-deck terminal block; 4-conductor through termi- nal block; without marker carrier; internally commoned; violet conductor entry; gray housing Double-deck terminal block; 4-conductor through termi- nal block; without marker carrier; internally commoned; violet conductor entry; blue housing Double-deck terminal block; 4-conductor ground termi- nal block; without marker carrier; internally commoned; green-yellow housing L 2000-2208 2000-2209 2000-2207 50 .43 in 69,7mm/2.74in 51,7 mm/2.35 0.wago.43 in 69,7mm/2.35 0.74in 51,7 mm/2. Unit Item No.04 in 61,8 mm/2.04 in 61,8 mm/2. Pack.74in www.5) mm² AWG 0.43 inch 0.43 in 69,7mm/2.04 in 61,8 mm/2.74in 51,7 mm/2.14 (1.138 inch Terminal block width: 3. Pack. Unit Item No.35 0. Pack.138 inch L 0.5 (16 13.138 inch Terminal block width: Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S TOPJOB® (1.74in 51,7 mm/2.5 0.5 0.04 in 61,8 mm/2. Pack. Unit L/L 2000-2231 N/N 2000-2234 PE/N 2000-2247 50 N/L 2000-2232 PE/L 2000-2257 50 L/N 2000-2233 50 Double-deck terminal block; through/through terminal block; without marker carrier; gray housing Double-deck terminal block; through/through terminal block; without marker carrier; blue housing Double-deck terminal block; ground conductor/through terminal block; without marker carrier; gray housing L/L 2000-2201 N/N 2000-2204 PE/N 2000-2217 50 N/L 2000-2202 PE/L 2000-2227 50 L/N 2000-2203 50 Double-deck terminal block; 4-conductor through terminal block; with marker carrier; internally commoned; violet conductor entry; gray housing Double-deck terminal block; 4-conductor through terminal block; with marker carrier; internally commoned; violet conductor entry; blue housing Double-deck terminal block; 4-conductor ground terminal block; with marker carrier; internally commoned; green-yellow housing Item No.04 in 61,8 mm/2