TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Block Systems Edition 2018

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Vydal: WAGO Elektro spol. s r.o. Autor: EN version

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2 stretchable white 2009-114 1 1 Conductor range: 0.2 mm plain 793-4501 5 WMB Multi marking system; plain; strips with mar- kers/card; stretchable from 4. Input and output a circuit are placed the same side the terminal block. This achieves width just 2. 2.2 0.5 mm² gray 2009-182 100 (25) Test plug; with 500 cable; max.2 mm.48 in 30,6 mm/1.25 1. V red 210-136 50 Test plug; with 500 cable; 2.43 inch Double-potential terminal block; with double, center marking level Color Item No. V 215-111 50 Testing tap; for max.75 in 37,4 mm/ 1.wago.75 1.5 mm² “insulated ferrules, mm” 2 800 rated voltage 8 rated impulse voltage 3 pollution degree 3 Terminal blocks with blue insulated housing are suitable for applications.2 mm yellow 793-4501/000-002 5 red 793-4501/000-005 5 blue 793-4501/000-006 5 gray 793-4501/000-007 5 orange 793-4501/000-012 5 light green 793-4501/000-017 5 Green 793-4501/000-023 5 violet 793-4501/000-024 5 Screwless end stop; for DIN-35 rail; wide gray 249-116 100 (25) Screwless end stop; for DIN-35 rail; wide gray 249-117 (25) Notice: These double-potential terminal blocks cannot be commoned with push-in type jumper bars! WAGO front-entry double-potential terminal blocks are space savers.1 versus standard through terminal blocks. .5 mm² “s+f-st” Push-in termination: 0.165 inch L Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S Technical Data 0.2 in www.35 69,9 mm/2.2 in 69,9 mm/2.5 (2.35 0.5 mm² “s” and 0. 550 A 16 jumper “ Please observe the application notes: Separator for e/Ex applications, see page 29 Step-down jumpers, see page 41 Jumpers, from page 149 Testing accessories, from page 140 Marking, from page 230 “ Approvals and corresponding ratings, visit www. 4 Terminal blocks with mark are suitable for II applications. Pack.75 in 37,4 mm/ 1.5) mm² AWG 800 V/8 kV/3 600 AU IN (24 600 A2 Terminal block width: 4.48 in 30,6 mm/ Delta jumper; insulated; terminal block; light gray 1-2 3-4 5-6 2001-406/020-000 25 Star point jumper; insulated; terminal block; light gray 1-3-5 2001-405/011-000 25 Push-in type wire jumper; insulated; 1.9 thick orange 2002-1492 100 (25) gray 2002-1491 100 (25) Separator; oversized; thick orange 2002-1494 100 (25) gray 2002-1493 100 (25) Accessories; 2001 Series Appropriate marking systems: WMB/WMB Inline/Marking Strips Modular TOPJOB® connector; snaps together; for jumper contact slot gray 2001-511 100 (25) Spacer module; snaps together; bridges commoned terminal blocks gray 2001-549 100 (25) End plate; for modular TOPJOB® connector; 1.5 mm thick gray 2002-541 100 (25) Test plug adapter; for test plug gray 2009-174 100 (25) Banana plug; for socket diameter; color mixed; x orange, white, black, blue, yellow; max.5 2. Unit gray 2001-1441 100 Accessories; item-specific End and intermediate plate; 0. V yellow 210-137 50 WMB Inline; plain; 2,000 WMB markers mm)/reel; … 4. Two independent feedthrough circuits are placed one insulated housing one level just 4.wago.25 2. Both circuits can individually marked according input and output.5 mm² conductor cross-section; A L 2009-412 100 (10) L 110 2009-414 100 (10) L 250 2009-416 100 (10) Accessories; 2001 Series Appropriate marking systems: WMB/WMB Inline/Marking Strips Marking strip; plain; wide; reel white 2009-110 1 WMB Multi marking system; white; strips with mar- kers/card; stretchable from 4.3 max