Strana 232 z 268
Poznámky redaktora
Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S
Marking Systems
WMB Inline; Marker Card; Plain and Marking Strips
WMB Inline, plain; 1,500 WMB markers mm)/reel; …
5.2 mm
Color Item No. Unit Item No. Unit
white 2009-110 plain 793-3501 plain 793-4501 5
Colored marker cards
yellow 793-4501/000-002 5
red 793-4501/000-005 5
blue 793-4501/000-006 5
gray 793-4501/000-007 5
orange 793-4501/000-012 5
light green 793-4501/000-017 5
green 793-4501/000-023 5
violet 793-4501/000-024. Pack. Unit Item No.2 stretchable
Colored marker cards Colored marker cards
white 2009-114 yellow 793-501/000-002 yellow 793-5501/000-002 5
red 793-501/000-005 red 793-5501/000-005 5
blue 793-501/000-006 blue 793-5501/000-006 5
gray 793-501/000-007 gray 793-5501/000-007 5
orange 793-501/000-012 orange 793-5501/000-012 5
light green 793-501/000-017 light green 793-5501/000-017 5
green 793-501/000-023 green 793-5501/000-023 5
violet 793-501/000-024 violet 793-5501/000-024 5
WMB Inline; plain; 2,300 WMB markers (3.5 terminal block width
WMB Multi marking system; white; strips with mar-
kers/card; stretchable from 5. Pack. Unit Item No.5 terminal block width
WMB Multi marking system; white; strips with mar-
kers/card; stretchable from 4. Pack.2 stretchable
WMB Multi marking system; white; strips with mar-
kers/card; for 17. Pack. Unit Item No. Unit
white 2009-115 plain 793-501 plain 793-5501 5
WMB Inline; plain; 2,000 WMB markers mm)/reel; …
4.5 mm)/reel
white 2009-113 1
Marking strip; plain; wide; reel WMB Multi marking system; white; strips with mar-
kers/card; for 3.230
www.wago.2 mm
Color Item No. Pack