TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Block Systems Edition 2018

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Vydal: WAGO Elektro spol. s r.o. Autor: EN version

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25 mm² 4/0 AWG 880 211 A 1 jumper, 211 A 2 jumpers, 175 A 35 mm² 2/0 AWG for ground conductor terminal blocks “ Approvals and corresponding ratings, visit www.5 terminal block width yellow 285-170 (25) plain 793-501 5 Finger guard; touch-proof cover protects unused con- ductor entries and jumper slots WMB Multi marking system; white; strips with mar- kers/card; stretchable from 5. conductor size: mm² 2 1000 rated voltage 8 rated impulse voltage 3 pollution degree 3 Terminal blocks with mark are suitable for II applications.2 mm plain 793-5501 5 Marker carrier; for POWER CAGE CLAMP 35/50/95 mm²; 10.2 (16) mm² AWG 1000 V/8 kV/3 600 200 1000 V/8 kV/3 600 AU IN 232 600 210 A Terminal block width: 0.38 inch 0.98 in 107 mm/4.220 107 mm/4.984 inch Module width: 0.4 wide gray 285-442 25 Marker carrier for marking strip WMB markers for 285‑13x, 285‑15x and 285‑19x terminal blocks .98 in www.21 in 101 mm/3.2 mm yellow 285-169 plain 793-5501 5 T-wrench with partially insulated shaft 285-172 1 Three-phase set; with mm² high-current terminal blocks 285-199 1 Copper carrier rail; per 60715; mm; 2. Unit gray 285-195 gray 285-407 5 blue 285-194 5 light gray 285-995 5 dark gray/yellow 285-191 5 2-conductor ground terminal block; only suitable for DIN 35 rail; 2. Pack. Pack.3 mm thick; long unslotted 210-198 10 Screwless end stop; for DIN-35 rail; wide Platzhalter 249-197 Endklammer Maße fehlen noch gray 249-197 10 1 Power tap; for mm² high-current terminal blocks Max.21 in 101 mm/ Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S High-Current Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks 95 mm²; 285 Series High-Current, Through/Ground Conductor and Terminal Block Technical Data Technical Data 25 mm² 4/0 AWG 0.51 inch 2-conductor through terminal block; only for DIN x 15 rail Power tap; for mm² high-current terminal blocks Color Item No.5 terminal block width plain 793-501 5 WMB Multi marking system; white; strips with mar- kers/card; stretchable from 5.787 inch L 2-conductor through terminal block, dark gray/yellow (285‑191) Accessories for High-Current Terminal Blocks Appropriate marking systems: WMB/WMB Inline/Marking Strips Marking strip; plain; wide; reel white 2009-110 1 WMB Multi marking system; white; strips with mar- kers/card; for 17.wago. Unit Color Item No.47 0.wago.3 thick; copper green-yellow 285-197 5 green-yellow 285-197/999-950 5 Accessories; item-specific Accessories; item-specific Adjacent jumper; insulated; 232 for jumper; 192 A, for jumpers Protective warning marker; with black high-voltage symbol; for terminal blocks gray 285-495 yellow 284-415 (25) Protective warning marker; with black high-voltage symbol WMB Multi marking system; white; strips with mar- kers/card; for 17