TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Block Systems Edition 2018

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Vydal: WAGO Elektro spol. s r.o. Autor: EN version

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.g.197 www. According DIN VDE 0100-520 (VDE 0100, Part 520), installation equipment exposed contamination cor- rosive substances (e.5 and 5.5 mm² conductor cross-section; A L 2009-412 100 (10) L 110 2009-414 100 (10) L 250 2009-416 100 (10) Test plug adapter; for test plug gray 2009-174 100 (25) Banana plug; for socket diameter; color mixed; x orange, white, black, blue, yellow; max. WAGO N-disconnect terminal blocks meet this require- ment.2 mm plain 793-5501 5 WMB Multi marking system; plain; strips with mar- kers/card; stretchable from 5. Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S Installation Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S Staggered jumper; insulated; light gray 2-way 2002-472 25 3-way 2002-473 25 4-way 2002-474 25 5-way 2002-475 25 6-way 2002-476 25 7-way 2002-477 25 8-way 2002-478 25 9-way 2002-479 25 10-way 2002-480 25 11-way 2002-481 25 12-way 2002-482 25 Customized staggered jumper; insulated; with contact lugs broken off the factory and circuit printing; 25 A; light gray 1-3 2002-473/011-000 25 1-3-5 2002-475/011-000 25 1-3-5-7 2002-477/011-000 25 1-3-5-7-9 2002-479/011-000 25 1-3-5-7-9-11 2002-481/011-000 25 Push-in type wire jumper; insulated; 1. For the construction and operation power installations in fire-prone, hazardous locations public buildings – such conference centers, stores, hospitals, schools, theaters hotels the DIN VDE 0100-710 DIN VDE 0100-718 standards shall observed.2 mm yellow 793-5501/000-002 5 red 793-5501/000-005 5 blue 793-5501/000-006 5 gray 793-5501/000-007 5 orange 793-5501/000-012 5 light green 793-5501/000-017 5 green 793-5501/000-023 5 violet 793-5501/000-024 5 Screwless end stop; for DIN-35 rail; wide gray 249-116 100 (25) Screwless end stop; for DIN-35 rail; wide gray 249-117 (25) TOPJOB® Terminal Blocks for Every Application • Push-in termination solid conductors small distribu- tion boards saves time and money.5 blade width; for TOPJOB® Installation Terminal Blocks 2009-310 1 Accessories; 2003 Series Appropriate marking systems: WMB/WMB Inline/Marking Strips WMB Inline, plain; 1,500 WMB markers mm)/reel; … 5. • The use standard accessories reduces order-pro- cessing and warehousing costs., water) that promote corrosion or deterioration, must protected made corrosion- or wear-resistant material. V red 210-136 50 Test plug; with 500 cable; 2. • The busbar position the same, making TOPJOB® S Installation Terminal Blocks compatible with standard TOPJOB® Installation Terminal Blocks. V 215-111 50 Testing tap; for max. To guarantee reliable connection, corrosion-resistant con- tact area required the N-busbar.wago. • Operating errors can prevented all TOPJOB® S Terminal Blocks for building installations are equipped with push-in connection technology.5 and 2.3 max. these cases, tinned copper busbars guarantee reliable connection., insulation resistance measurement possible for every circuit without disconnecting the N-conductor. DIN VDE 0100- 482 shall also observed for fire-prone, hazardous loca- tions.g.5 blade width; for TOPJOB® Installation Terminal Blocks 2009-309 1 Operating tool; 3. V yellow 210-137 50 Operating tool; 3. Application note: N-disconnect slide links, used installation terminal blocks, consist switch contacts that are opened and then closed again part the regular circuit testing.2 stretchable white 2009-115 1 Marking strip; plain; wide; reel white 2009-110 1 WMB Multi marking system; white; strips with mar- kers/card; stretchable from 5. WAGO only offers tinned copper busbars.5 mm² gray 2009-182 100 (25) Test plug; with 500 cable; max. Historically, uninsulated copper busbars, that have been cleaned/stripped any possible corrosion prior install, can used dry, pollution-free locations. These VDE regulations mandate that every neutral conductor must provided with disconnection device so, e