TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Block Systems Edition 2018

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Vydal: WAGO Elektro spol. s r.o. Autor: EN version

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Opening the cover via multi-purpose operating tool for component plugs.4 module width Notice: Reconnection only possible with similar larger wire diameter.135 Ø max.62 inch for 2002‑1661 2 76.5 blade).* Ø 0,5…1,1 25,8…27 max.2 module width and *max. . 3.87 inch for 2002‑1961 Cutting component the proper length. 15,5 6 6 5 12 +0,2 19 ±0,2 –0,1 1±0,075 1 4 53,3 mm/2.4 module width When closing the cover, please insert cover shown in the illustration.4 5.45 inch for 2002‑1861 4 72.1 2.3 10. Pushing PCB into plug contact via operating tool. 5. (Illustration shows 1N4007 diode) Dimensions self-assembled PCBs: Module height: 5.8 3. Opening the cover via operating tool (2.5 3.2 module width and module height: 3. Component plugs for building custom circuits solder-free assembly diodes, resistors, etc.02 inch for 2002‑1761 3 87. Pressing component into plug contact via operating Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S Lengths carrier terminal blocks with pluggable diode module: 1 66.wago.1 in www.4 10.9 2. *max