TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Block Systems Edition 2018

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Vydal: WAGO Elektro spol. s r.o. Autor: EN version

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25 2.5 (4) mm² AWG Terminal block width: 5.2 0.wago.25 2.2 wide Color Item No.2 0.205 inch gray 2002-1861 50 End and intermediate plate; thick orange 2002-1892 100 (25) gray 2002-1891 100 (25) Accessories for Carrier Terminal Blocks Appropriate marking systems: WMB/Marking Strips 2-conductor carrier terminal block; 0.5 (4) mm² AWG Terminal block width: 5.205 inch gray 2002-1761 50 End and intermediate plate; thick orange 2002-1792 100 (25) gray 2002-1791 100 (25) 4-conductor carrier terminal block; 0.5 (4) mm² AWG Terminal block width: 5.87 inch for 2002‑1961 . operating tem- perature: 85°C; 5.205 inch gray 2002-1961 50 End and intermediate plate; thick orange 2002-1992 100 (25) gray 2002-1991 100 (25) Push-in type wire jumper; insulated; 1.5 3.02 inch for 2002‑1761 3 87., lamp test and collective fault signal circuits) and offer the following advantages: • Separation into functional and wiring levels • Polarized switching direction • Quick and easy module replacement • Terminal blocks/modules provide high-density wiring a width just 5.2 0.25 2.5 (4) mm² AWG Terminal block width: 5.g.2 mm Diode module (2002‑800/1000‑411) Diode gate for collective fault indication Lengths carrier terminal blocks with pluggable diode module: 1 66.1 These diode modules are ideal for custom diode circuits (e.45 inch for 2002‑1861 4 72.5 (4) mm² Technical Data UN 250 URM 1000 V IN A Plug width: 5.205 inch Diode module; with 1N4007 diode; max. Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S TOPJOB® 2002 Series Pluggable Diode Module Carrier Terminal Block 2.62 inch for 2002‑1661 2 76.2 0.1 in Terminal block 2002-1601 Push-in type jumper bar 2002-410 Diode modules 2002-800/1000-411 Terminal blocks 1-9 2002-1661 Open side terminal block left www.9 2.2 0.205 inch gray 2002-1661 50 End and intermediate plate; thick orange 2002-1692 100 (25) gray 2002-1691 100 (25) 3-conductor carrier terminal block; 0.130 2002‑800/1000‑411 2002‑800/1000‑410 1 4 53,3 mm/2.5 mm² conductor cross-section; A L 2009-412 100 (10) L 110 2009-414 100 (10) L 250 2009-416 100 (10) Push-in type jumper bar; insulated; light gray 2-way 2002-402 25 3-way 2002-403 25 4-way 2002-404 25 5-way 2002-405 25 6-way 2002-406 25 7-way 2002-407 25 8-way 2002-408 25 9-way 2002-409 25 10-way 2002-410 25 Push-in type jumper bar; insulated; light gray 1 2002-433 25 1 2002-434 25 1 2002-435 25 1 2002-436 25 1 2002-437 25 1 2002-438 25 1 2002-439 25 1 2002-440 25 Staggered jumper; insulated; light gray 2-way 2002-472 25 3-way 2002-473 25 4-way 2002-474 25 5-way 2002-475 25 6-way 2002-476 25 7-way 2002-477 25 8-way 2002-478 25 9-way 2002-479 25 10-way 2002-480 25 11-way 2002-481 25 12-way 2002-482 25 “ Please observe the application notes: Jumpers, from page 146 Marking, from page 230 “ Approvals and corresponding ratings, visit www. Unit gray 2002-800/1000-411 100 gray 2002-800/1000-410 100 Accessories for Carrier Terminal Blocks Appropriate marking systems: WMB/Marking Strips 2-conductor carrier terminal block; 0.25 2.8 3