TOPJOB S Rail-Mount Terminal Block Systems

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Vydal: WAGO Elektro spol. s r.o.

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• Make sure that only one contact lug inserted per con- tact. Standard jumpers offered by WAGO Custom push-in type jumper bars are created breaking and removing jumper con- tacts (2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 Series). • Place the operating tool the center of jumpers for five contacts, alternately on both sides for jumpers with more than five contacts. Custom staggered jumpers are created breaking off jumper Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks, TOPJOB® S RANGE JUMPERS For Every Commoning Task Push-In Type Jumper Bars Staggered Jumpers • Simply insert push-in type jumper bars into one the center jumper slots. Note Please note that: The total current the out- going circuits must not ex- ceed the nominal current of the step-down jumper/push- in type jumper bar. • Insert the staggered jumpers that the red lines both jumpers are facing each other. .28 500 V U2 300 V 800 V U2 600 V 4 550 V 2 2 1 1 www. • Staggered jumpers allow 2002 and 2003 Series terminal blocks accommodate two potentials single jumper slot alongside each other. • Insert the operating tool between the jumper and partition wall the dual jumper slots, then lift the jumper. • Dual jumper slots allow four different potentials ac- commodated along side each other