Snímač pohybu, přítomnosti a osvětlení KINASGARD® ABWF ⁄ LF

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Vydal: Domat Control System s.r.o.

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3 V Working resistance: (ohm)   =   (Ub -14 V)  ⁄  0..20mA (linearised) KINASGARD® ABWF Outdoor motion sensor ABWF-W Presence Motion: Yes (relay off) Changeover contact 1401-1110-4000-000 PHOTASGARD® AHKF Outdoor light intensity sensors  ⁄  twilight sensors   AHKF-I Light Intensity: 0.+70 °C Electrical connection: 0.500  Lux  /  1  /  2  /  5  /  20  /  60  kLux 4.36 for variant 15. used monitor and recognise conditions and for motion-dependent control room functions, e..5  mm², via terminal screws Housing: plastic, UV-resistant, material polyamide, glass- globe reinforced, with quick-locking screws (slotted ⁄ Phillips head combination), colour traffic white (similar to RAL 9016) housing cover for AHKF transparent! Housing dimensions: 72  x  64  x  37... motion detector lower temperatures unused rooms.02 for variant Load resistance: kOhm for variant Power consumption: DC; AC Sensor: infra-red motion sensor and light sensor Output, motion sensor: without with motion presence, potential-free normally open contact (24 V), ohmic load After-running time: adjustable from min Measuring ranges: multi-range switching (via DIP switches) with switchable measuring ranges 0…500  Lux 1kLux   2kLux   5kLux   ⁄  20  kLux   ⁄  60  kLux (other individual ranges optional, 100 kLux) Output: -10 (linearised, active, 3-wire connection) 4. TECHNICAL DATA Power supply:  %); 15. max.. The motion sensor presence detector detects the presence persons and motions...+50 °C; AHKF –30.8 (ABWF⁄  LF, ABWF) (Tyr 1) 72  x  64  x  43. The light intensity sensor twilight sensor with six switchable measuring ranges (six devices one) measures the luminous intensity and used control luminaries, lighting systems, Venetian blinds and canvas blinds, etc.3 (AHKF) (Tyr 1) Cable connection: cable gland, plastic 1. 713139052 (Tyr 1) Standards: conformity, electromagnetic compatibility according 326, EMC directive 2014 EU Schematic diagram ABWF⁄  LF Connecting diagram ABWF⁄  LF Measuring ranges (selectable) DIP 1 DIP 2 DIP 3 DIP 4 0…500  Lux OFF OFF OFF – 0…   1  kLux OFF OFF – 0…   2  kLux OFF OFF – 0…   5  kLux OFF – 0… 20  kLux (default) OFF OFF – 0… 60  kLux OFF – 1 2 3 13 11 12 UB- GND UB+ supply voltage 24V AC/DC Output light intensity 0-10V (linearised) Breaker Normally open contact changeover (24 V) 1 12 4'' 16' time min.36 for variant, depending working resistance, residual ripple stabilised 0.500  Lux  /  1  /  2  /  5  /  20  /  60  kLux 0-10V 1601-1111-1000-000 Extra charge: Other individual measuring ranges optional, 100  kLux request .., monitor lighting conditions at workplaces, greenhouses, storage halls, workshops, corridors, outdoor areas, in industrial halls, offices well residential and business facilities, for daylight-dependant constant light control, light intensity twilight sensor and to control sunshade equipment avoiding unnecessary heating-up rooms. offset 1234 ON UB+ 24V AC/DC Output Light Intensity in lux UB- GND Normally open contact Breaker Plug for presence detector No transmitter! – GND must connected...20mA 1601-1112-1000-000 AHKF-U Light Intensity: 0...g.20 for light intensity and has switching (changeover contact) output for the detection motions.. Type WG01 Detection, Measuring Range Output Item No..5; with strain relief, exchangeable, inner diameter 10. The motion sensor used corridors, in outdoor areas, industrial halls, offices, residential rooms and business facilities.14  -  1.KINASGARD® ABWF ⁄  LF Rev.. KINASGARD® ABWF Outdoor motion sensor and light sensor ABWF-LF-U Presence Motion: Yes (relay off) Changeover contact 1401-1111-2100-000 Light Intensity: 0…500  Lux  /  1  /  2  /  5  /  20  /  60  kLux 0  ­–10V (linearised) ABWF-LF-I Presence Motion: Yes (relay off) Changeover contact 1401-1111-3200-000 Light Intensity: 0…500  Lux  /  1  /  2  /  5  /  20  /  60  kLux 4.. 2020 V16 The room motion and light sensor and presence detector KINASGARD® ABWF LF is combined instrument that detects motions and light intensity well the presence persons and used recognize conditions. ABWF issues standard signal 4.....4 mm) Installation: on-wall Protection class: III (according 730) Protection type:  ABWF⁄  LF, ABWF: IP65; AHKF: IP67 (according 529) housing tested, TÜV SÜD, report no.20 mA Deviation, light sensor: typically final value Ambient temperature: –10